It's.... MYU TIME!!!

May 25, 2008 23:49

Left upper corner: layout, under that: profile
Right upper corner: THE SCENE!!

It was a really really huge arena. More like a stadium, because a lot of seats and the two(?) balconies were in an oval around the main area, which featured the big stage at one end with a long bridge reaching out into the middle of the main area and a smaller stage island on the other side with lots of rows between them.
We sat... *erm* stood on the right side quite near to the stage but not so near to the aisles where the actors went through.
But they had huge screens to both sides of the stage as well!

Advantages and disadvantages:

- There was Higa!fangirl right in front of us. She also randomly screamed the first names of other teams' players... if not for my slight deafness after the myu I actually would have found her rather amusing.

- The PIMP show was on the small far-away stage. And since I had to move my head 180° degrees to either look on the screen or on that stage I also missed WHEN RIKKAI LEFT THE STAGE FOR GOOD! ;O;

+ Thanks to the screen you had all the wonderful emotions on Kane-chan's face during THE duett in DETAIL! *__*

+ the whole arrangement of the seating and stage made for the absolut most wonderful moment for me - about which I won't tell yet.

Sadly they only had the flashlights in blue this time but a lot of the Japanese fangirls (and a few selected boys this time) were prepared and brought older ones or their own. Very colorful! It was such an incredible picture if you watched the (sparkling) actors in front of the rows.

They had a rather extented Tomo-Farewell-Part. It featured Dai-chan and even Cracked-up!Dai-chan, but considering that the whole super awesome Rikkai-cast was perhaps appearing for the last time in myu I was nearly on the border of STFU!! Tomo!!! You should have disappeared two myus ago already, damnit! ...sorry to all Tomo fans... he's cute and everything and surely a nice guy, but he was just absolutely miscasted in my opinion. Perhaps I wouldn't even have minded if not for him getting a grand solo graduation while Rikkai got. nothing. at all.
Hell, the whole of Hyoutei cried at the end of DL3 because they thought it was their last appearance and Rikkai was... just gone. And even appeared only on the far end stage for the last time *cries*

We all agreed, though, that Kane-chan will be back, even if it's in 10 years from now. He's so into his role that it's kind of... scary. And superubercute at the same time!

Higa was funny and even topped the Pirate scene from HigaMyu! Featuring Dai-chan who manage to make everything better by just appearing and doing nothing specifically. Just like Tezuka ♥ :D

........The rest of Seigaku.
Wow, just wow. And this is not meant in a good sense.
I will be frank - I don't care about Seigaku anymore. I used to care about certain characters and 3rd generation Golden Pair even made me like them, but this cast does nothing. They are so NOT in character that it doesn't even matter anymore (save the new Fuji, who is still different but not bad in my opinion). Perhaps we've seen too many casts by now, I don't know... but why does someone like Dai-chan appear so suddenly? Dai-chan and Katou together on a stage will be... nondescribable. If Katou is in. Who knows.
Rest of Seigaku - FAIL. Even the ones I found promising last time - No, just no.

The (thus slightly biased) Highlights:

Dai-chan pulling off the most amazing Tezuka ever! 8|!

* THE scene. THE SCENE!!!

* "Kite. ...... Kite. ........ Kite?"

* Ubercool D1. Pimp clothes over tennis uniforms - hats, boas, sparkles, sunglasses, flowers and NAKED LEGS - and they made it look awesome ♥ Kikumaru, Aoi and Kai(?) tried to imitate them with the Sparkles and Flowers afterwards - but they were just... gay.

* Marriages, marriages, everywhere. And sparkles!

* Rikkai p0wned them all. And with style.
They should have made it RikkaiMyu (+ Tezuka) and it would have been awesome. Perhaps it was good they stepped down with grace - as Rikkai - better than tearing up and falling out of their roles they not just kept but developed so greatly!


fangirl, rikkai, myu, rambling, pot

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