Long time no update... btw if your looking for a happy/calm post from me, you wont find it here.

Mar 24, 2006 23:02

My family is fucked up, just a little. Most the chick i used to call my sister ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

capn_davinci_92 March 25 2006, 17:28:50 UTC
Tay, we have known each other for seven years now, almost eight, and yet, even through all of the fights and tough feelings, we're still great friends. I know I get on peoples nerves, and when they tell me, I always try to tone it down. You are a great friend, and you really are going to get far if you let yourself. I'll try to call in a little bit, and see if the four of us can hang out today. Feel better, hon.


blacklacewings March 26 2006, 02:57:34 UTC
I'm sorry you had to go thru that shit with Candice. It seems like you might really be better off without her though. It's the same way with Kerry and I, she's always telling me how much she loves me but I know it's just a lie.
We don't need them though cause we have each other <3 I think of you like a sister too. And I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. I know I don't say it as much as I should but I love you very much dude.

P.S. Just let me know when you want to hang out and I'm all yours ;-) lol.


the_harleyquinn March 29 2006, 02:58:53 UTC
:] i love you too, tay.

we're one big crazy family. I wanna meet this holly character ;] can't have a step sister I don't know.


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