Life sucks. Period. Megatron's got us all on standby on account of Unicron and I have to put up with that slagger Deathscythe in our ranks. And he's looking at Snowcat all the time, and Snowcat is looking at him and I can barely take it. Plus this guy's real strong; Megatron loves him.
[04:30] Demolishor: *The scene is set inside one of Unicron's larger chambers. There's a large number of both full and empty energon containers. The other Decepticons have either moved away or passed out. Snowcat has done the latter near the doorway. Demolisher, on the other hand,is being his usual stand-offish self and still drinking, keeping his optics on Deathscythe*
[04:36] Deathscythe: *Since being on this world, Dee has developed somewhat of an energon tolerance. Not much of one, though, and the amount he has consumed has completely overwhelmed that paltry tolerance to begin with. Gundams were not built to handle energon -- Dee is, in a word, shitfaced. He sits against the wall of the chamber, optics a dim, steady green, staring at nothing in particular, thinking of nothing in particular. It's very pleasant. Every once in a while he refills the barrel of energon connected to the port in his leg. It's his only motion.*
[04:38] Demolishor: *slurps the remaining contents of his container and tosses it over his shoulder. He sarts a glance at the snoring Snowcat, then decides to break the silence* You did real well during the attack today. *He makes it sound like an insult*
[04:43] Deathscythe: *Optics flicker to glance over at Dem. Dee speaks in his usual low, measured tones, more drawling and more slowly.* I'm a Gundam. It's what I was built to do. *Registers Dem's tone, but ignores it. Demolisher is always fucking like that. Dee figured joining up with the Decepticons would get him maybe a fraction more respect from Snowcat's partner, but no such luck. Dee doesn't know why he even cares or tries anymore. He might as well have gone into the sun; it would have had more dignity than this*
[04:45] Demolishor: Of course it is. And you're great at it. *Besides having Snowcat dance around the Gundam like a little schoolgirl, Megatron's been especially favoring his newest soldier over his other troops* But the great and mightyl Deathscythe can't even hold his energon like a real Decepticon.
[04:48] Deathscythe: I know better than to think I'm a real Decepticon for even half a minute. How could I forget, when the friendly and welcoming Demolisher is always there to remind me that I'll never be one of you? *Looking at Dem, a blurred sort of hatred and pain burns in his gaze.* So I can't hold my energon, so fucking what. No problem drinking alone. Better that way. Better company. Hah.
[04:51] Demolishor: I didn't even mean to invite you. I was bluffing. But no, you had to be stubborn, you had to come all this way just to get back at me! *gestures at himself, then goes looking for a full container* And now everybody loves you and nobody cares about what you did, just your damn big cannon.
[04:52] Deathscythe: *Snidely.* Well it is pretty damn big, but really, it's the scythe that gets all the femmebots.
[04:54] Demolishor: *snorts and opens another container* And most of the mechs, too. Well, I'm not stupid enough. I see right through you.
[04:57] Deathscythe: Well hoorah hoorah, let's throw a parade in your honor. *Dee's industrial-sized barrel of energon is doing very nicely for the interim. He'll have to refill it in, oh, a half-hour, maybe. Still, he's ingested enough to be sure he'll be near catatonic for the next week.* You're right, Dem. The only surprise is how everyone else hasn't seen it. I am only here to make you miserable by, uh, destroying your enemies and staying away from your bondmate? Oh, right, that doesn't make any blasted sense! Well, nevermind, whatever feeds your narcissism best, eh Dem-Dem?
[04:59] Demolishor: Shut up! *gets to his feet, wobbling and staggers over to him* I've been watching you and more importantly, I've been watching him. *points vaguely in Snowcat's direction* I see how he looks at you. He wants you.
[05:04] Deathscythe: *Deliberately being obtuse.* He's not looking at anything. He's passed out. He's snoring, for stars' sake. *Glances over at Snowcat.* You should be more worried about him right now instead of wasting your vocalizer on me. That's what I'd do if I had him. Which I don't, and never will. Don't think I don't know that. It's abay -- abun -- abundantly clear.
[05:08] Demolishor: I am worried about him. *throws his arms up in the air* No, slaggit, I'm worried about me. Because somewhere under that neat little armor of yours, you want him too and I know it. And I'm stuck in the middle here because I hate you and lo-*doesn't want to say it, but relents* I love him. So we should just finish this right here, right now. *flies up unsteadily, hovering in front of Dee's face*
[05:12] Deathscythe: *Swats at Dem in annoyance, as a human would swat at a fly.* You are drunker than I thought if you think I'm getting up for this slag. Of course I want him. I want him all the time. When he's fighting, when he's not, when he's happy, when he's not, when you've thrown him through a wall, when I'm bored and lonely, yeah, I want him. *Normally, Dee would have kept that thought a thought, and not spoken it, but he is so drunk he is not discerning between what he thinks and what he says.* But I've got honor -- you know what that is, right? Need Papa Dee to explain it to you in little words? -- so I'm not gonna do a blasted thing. Not one blasted thing. I never do. I didn't do a thing the last time. It was him. Yeah I didn't stop it. But I didn't start it. Now get out of my face.
[05:14] Demolishor: *sways a little in the air. then engages in one of the biggest sex scene cliches ever and falls on top of him* You want him? All right, Then you're getting me too. *looks at him defiantly*
[05:15] Deathscythe: Oh please. You don't like me, you don't even respect me, the hell you want me. Don't make me hurt you.
[05:17] Demolishor: Of course I hate you. But Snowcat's my partner. We share everything. Eve. Ry. Thing! *punctuates the last word by banging on Deathscythe's chest* So either get over him or accept that I'm part of him and always will be,
[05:19] Deathscythe: *Shoves Dem. Hard.* I've already accepted it! Why the fuck else would I be so fucking miserable? How many times do you need to rub this in my face before your ego is satisfied? Can't I even get trashed in peace? I can't get over him, I know you're part of him, believe me I am painfully well aware!
[05:22] Demolishor: *falls over onto his back* It's not my ego, it's my Primus-damned...oh slag. *rocks back and forth, but due to the truck bed on his back, he can't get up*
[05:23] Deathscythe: *Laughs rather nastily, but reaches out with a foot and pushes Dem onto his other side, ever the do-gooder.* I don't care what it is. It bugs me enough without you up in my face about it.
[05:26] Demolishor: *gets up, growling. He doesn't like needing help from him of all mechs* Well excuse me for being unhappy. You're not the only one allowed to be upset around here. *brushes himself off and glares back at Snowcat* So how was he?
[05:27] Deathscythe: You have no reason to be unhappy. You have what you want. *Takes a moment to process Dem's question, and says rather stupidly,* What?
[05:28] Demolishor: Like frag I do. *grunts a little, determined to torment Dee more* Snowcat. How was he. Did he scream for you?
[05:29] Deathscythe: Nothing happened, I don't remember, fuck off Demolisher. *Attempts to aim his buster shield, which is a total disaster as his arm does not appear to be fond of moving atm thx verreh much. Lets his arm plop back down and stares away from Demolisher at a distant wall.*
[05:31] Demolishor: You were sober enough to walk away and leave him on the floor, you didn't black out. Must have worn him out quite a bit, he could barely move in the morning. *this was more caused by the energon then by Dee, but Dem wants to get to Dee as much as possible*
[05:34] Demolishor: ((Psst. We've got a visitor in Cat's thread))
[05:35] Deathscythe: I'm a Gundam! I can't do -- what you can do. I just can't. I don't have a spark -- I have a soul -- it's just -- I can't. Okay? I can't! So no, nothing happened! Leave me alone, go take care of your bondmate. *Nearly spits out the word, deep misery in his tone.*
[05:36] Deathscythe: ((Do I reply to you or to her?))
[05:36] Demolishor: *folds his arms* A spark doesn't mean everything. He...*shudders involuntarily* You know, I have this image going around and around in my head of you two and every single fragging thing you did and it won't fragging go away.
[05:39] Deathscythe: You don't even know what we did. *A hint of dark humor.* That must sting, huh?
[05:40] Demolishor: *clenches his fists and walks back over to Dee* You don't know the half of it, you Gundam bastard. *floats up again to get to his optic level*
[05:40] Deathscythe: Yeah, actually, I think I know the whole of it, thanks. Get. Out. Of. My. Face. *Swats at him ineffectually.*
[05:42] Demolishor: I think not. *grabs Dee by one horn and slams the bottom of his face(the part where his mouth used to be) into Dee's mask, acting as if he's attacking*
[05:47] Deathscythe: *Accepts the blow; the pain is very distant, hardly there.* You know, Dem, it's not even worth it to move to defend myself, because I'm so trashed I can't feel a thing. For your information. I don't recommend putting me through a wall, though, I'm not Cat's size.
[05:49] Demolishor: If you can't feel a thing, you won't mind if I start ripping parts off of you. *grabs at Dee's mask, knowing full well that it doesn't come off. His fingers slife all over and he can't get a decent grip**
[05:50] Deathscythe: *Optics flicker a harsh and vibrant green at Dem's repeated and insistent invasion of his personal space.* I'm built better than you are, Dem, it won't come off.
[05:51] Demolishor: *gives up and moves on to the edge of Dee's helmet. He runs his fingers over it looking for a handhold* I'm Unicronian. I can take anything you can.
[05:55] Deathscythe: *Reaches up, with some difficulty, to grab Dem's wrists and pull them away from him.* You're acting like a human child who's never seen a mech before.
[05:56] Demolishor: *kicks at his face* Don't compare me to one of your damned humans.
[05:58] Deathscythe: Even the children are better than you. *He realizes he has run out of energon, and releases Dem to disattach himself from the tube. He is fumbling although he is concentrating hard.*
[05:59] Demolishor: *Dem is offbalance and falls out of the air into Dee's lap* Better at what, being stupid? *looks over at Dee fumbling with the tube.* You're not even doing it right. *grabs the container and disconnects him*
[06:01] Deathscythe: *Absently smooths over his port and closes it, taking longer than is necessary by sheer virtue of being so coordinationally-challenged. While doing this* I didn't need your help.
[06:02] Demolishor: *throws the energon container at his head* Stupid mech can't even work an energon jug. You can't be that great.
[06:05] Deathscythe: *Energon container falls to the floor, dented, and Dee's optics flicker dazedly.* I'm not. I never said I was. It's funny -- you keep saying I suck, yet you must think I'm pretty great if you think I can take Cat from you. That's funny. *Isn't laughing*
[06:07] Demolishor: *looks up at him* You have to suck, because you can't be better then me. But you're bigger and stronger and slag it all, you're smarter too. And I can't do anything about that. It wasn't a one-night stand thing or he would have shot you like I told him too. You've got something I don't. And I want it. *the energon seems to be making him verbose*
[06:10] Deathscythe: *Shrugs.* Take it. Do I look like I'm going to stop you? If I give you what you want, will you leave me alone? What in hell do you want, my size? My paint job, my scythe? What, what is it?
[06:12] Demolishor: I don't know! It's something I can't see, is all I know. *grabs at his arm,making sense only to himself at this point* Show me. Show me what you did to him, maybe I can find out that way. *glares*
[06:15] Deathscythe: All I did was touch him. *Splays an uncertain hand on Dem's chest.* Touched the plug. Saw the spark. Didn't even know what it was then. Blissful ignance. Didn't know a thing. Now I know. *Clearly does not know where Dem's is, so fumbles about, rather gently for someone with such large fingers.*
[06:18] Demolishor: It's lower down on me, dumbaft. *moves Dee's hand down ot his waist, trying to ignore the sensations he's getting. The answer has to be in there somewhere* So you saw his spark, fine. Pretty much the whole army saw mine when I was destroyed. It can't be your little innocent-virgin act, can it?
[06:23] Deathscythe: I can't do anything. Remember? I'm always going to be a virgin. This is all I can do. *Locates it, and lowers his head to observe it, watching his own fingers move across and around it, tracing words on it -- why, do, you, hate, me* It's not an act. I can't act. I can't even lie. It's sad.
[06:28] Demolishor: *leans back a little* I know you didn't mess with his, mmm, spark anyway. I'd have known the moment we, nngh, merged. *turns his head away, not admitting that on some perverse and disturbed level this feels kinda nice.* But that has to be it. You don't lie, you don't try and steal extran energon like the rest of us. That's what you have that no one else does. *is perhaps not as happy as he could have been about the discovery*
[06:30] Deathscythe: *Laughs hollowly.* Honor. *Tilts his head, alternating the speed and rhythm of what he is doing.*
[06:31] Demolishor: Honor? *shudders a little* I thought that was an Autobot thing.
[06:34] Deathscythe: I have my own honor. It's nothing special, but it's mine. *With his other hand, holds Dem steady on his lap.*
[23:03] Deathscythe: *Manages to convey an uncaring shrug through a particular flicker to his optics, though of course, mechs don't shrug; at least, Gundams don't. Well, this one doesn't.* So's Snowcat, and you're still mad for him. *Really, his hands are the only part of him moving, artfully, appeasingly even, a silent sort of plea.*
[23:05] Demolishor: But that's different. *glares a bit unsteadily, lacking some of the intensity he had earlier* I like his being stupid. Frag, he's smarter then I am.
[23:10] Deathscythe: *In a "I'm being very fair" tone.* That's true enough.
*Doesn't know what he's doing; his hand leaves Dem's plug to ghost up his chest and very lightly tap his mask. Dee's hands form a light enclosure around the Decepticon.*
[23:13] Demolishor: *tries to jerk away from Deathscythe's hands, but he can't move very much in this position without making it look like he wants to run* And you, you big slag sucker, you're probably smarter then both of us combined. Just another way you're perfect.
[23:15] Deathscythe: *The dull unhappiness in his voice is alleviated by the slightest spark of interest, the lilt of a question.* Perfect?
[23:16] Demolishor: Perfect perfect perfect. Perfect fighter, perfect smart guy, perfect nice and polite. Perfect everything.
[23:17] Deathscythe: If I were less -- perfect... *His hands tighten around Dem.* If I lost it once in a while. You'd like me more.
[23:19] Demolishor: *waves a hand about aimlessly* Yes. Maybe. I don't know.
[23:19] Demolishor: If I had more of a reason to hate you.
[23:22] Deathscythe: *Snatches Dem's hand like a Venus Fly Trap nabs a fly, and holds it tightly, shades from crushingly.* If that's the only thing you'll take from me, I can give you that.
[23:23] Demolishor: What? Hey, lemme go! *this whole time he had been operating under the assumption that Deathscythe wouldn't even touch him without asking permission like the good little Gundam he is*
[23:29] Deathscythe: If all you want is to hate me... *He moves slowly, impaired by the energon, but his grip is now crushingly tight as he moves to pin Dem against the wall he had formerly been resting against, like a dead bee in an insect collector's collection.* I can leave you crippled, Dem; I can leave you for dead. Even like this. Even out of my mind on this energon shite. That enough? That'd please you? Shut you up?
[23:31] Demolishor: *optics wide with terror and pain. He struggles but can't get loose, and no way is he yelling for help* You wouldn't. He'd hate you if you gave me so much as a dent. Put me down!
[23:33] Deathscythe: *Is shouting, without realizing it.* Why? I can't have him, I'm not going to take him -- so what's it matter if he hates me or not? You want me to put you down, make it worth it! What are you worth to yourself? How are you willing to make, *shakes him hard, once* my, *again,* day? *Pin.*
[23:36] Demolishor: *is having rather horrific visions of Deathscythe murdering him and chucking his corpse out in the asteroid field around Unicron, where no one will find it* I...uh...*struggles more* Look, I didn't mean any of it. *there is a pause as he stops struggling* Damnit, yes I did! Fine, get it over with.
[23:37] Demolishor: You win.
[23:43] Deathscythe: *His grip tightens for a moment, the threat of murder real and vivid in green optics that blaze, but in a breath, it passes; Dee releases him and turns away to resume his original position, slumped against the wall, horribly out of place, a giant amidst the passed out Decepticons and empty jugs and barrels. His tone is quiet and tired, the murderous blaze in his optics faded.* Go away, Dem, now.
[23:45] Demolishor: *is trembling on the floor, suprised he's still in one piece* I...*sits up* Why? You could have had him, you could have just killed me right there. *shouting* What's wrong with you!
[23:49] Deathscythe: I don't want to be like you, so goddamnit, *using one of Duo's most potent swears while too fargone to notice* leave me alone! Go, go, go, go, go! *Wildly fires his buster shield at Dem, which makes him go off balance. He crumples slowly to the floor, the side of his mask touching it.*
[23:52] Demolishor: *the shot barely passes by him, taking off about an inch of metal on his right arm.* Gyah! *He looks at his arm in shock, his pain and anger slowly becoming a drunken laugh. So the great Deathscythe is capable of fighting another Decepticon* Finally!
[23:54] Deathscythe: No, no, no! No finally, none of it! *The rage and energon and unhappiness is rendering Dee damn near insensible. He calls his shield back and lies out flat on his back, staring straight up, in the mecha equivalent of a fetal position.*
[23:57] Demolishor: *gets unsteadily to his feet and stumbles over* But that was it. That's how you're supposed to act. *taps his foot against him, not really kicking* Do it again.
[00:01] Deathscythe: *Lashes out violently, not quite with the devastating speed he was built for, but fast enough. If a drunken mech could weep, Dee would be doing so as he struck; as it is, the light in his eyes is barely there as he hits at Dem in places automatically determined by his system to be the most crucially vulnerable. Definite slur to his words,* 's'it, then. 's'it.
[00:07] Demolishor: *is knocked across the room into the far wall. He can feel a large crack across his spark casing and his chest isn't doing too well either. If he wasn't so drunk he would have remembered what happened to Snowcat and run a long time ago * That's it. Hurt me. You know you hate me. You know you want to. *staggers to his feet. This is familiar territory. He feels less helpless now, even if he's on the recieving end of the punishment*
[00:10] Deathscythe: *Brokenly,* Dun hate, dun hate, dun hatechoo. *Turns off his optics, rendering himself blind to anything but his growing sense of self-disgust, his desire for the other mech's acceptance and respect.* Na, dun hatecho.
[00:13] Demolishor: *cannot beleive what he's hearing* WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HATE ME? After everything I put you through? After I insulted you, even tried to kill you? How...*turns and punches a wall, then gasps and steps back as the pain in his chest tells him that was not the best of ideas* You have to hate me. How can I hate you if you don't hate me?
[00:24] Deathscythe: Figgur it out! You hate me so far pretty good! Never hatedcha! Jus'... wanned... your... respeck. Jus' 'at! Or I never woulda come here. Never shoulda. You happy now? 'At whatchoo wanned? Jus' wanned ya to like me. S'all. An' be frien'. *Telling the truth is exhausting, and Dee is the weepiest drunken Gundam in the world. Turns his back to Dee and begins powering down.*
[00:26] Demolishor: What? Hey, get up! *runs over and kicks him as hard as he can, ignoring the pain* What do you mean, my respect? *This was about the last response he had been expecting, right after turning into a giant purple chicken*
[00:28] Deathscythe: *Stops the powerdown process right where it is, which leaves him still, weak, blind. The Gundam's tone is a hoarse whisper.* Jus' respeck. 'S'all.
[00:29] Demolishor: *walks over to his head and looks down at him* Why?
[00:32] Deathscythe: *Long pause. Dee speaks hesitantly,* If... Cat... sees sum'in... An' if you... can love 'im so much... Gotta be sum'in there, anythin', worth it.
[00:35] Demolishor: *is desperatly trying to find something hateful in Dee's words, some inkling of even mild dislike that he can latch on to. There's nothing, He curses, then sits down next to his head, speaking very quietly* I don't hate you. I just hate that I can't hate you.
[00:41] Deathscythe: *Something like a choked echo of a laugh escapes him, and he bumps his head against Dem's knee like a sick and lonely puppy.* Oh. Ok. 'At makes everzin better. Pow'rin' off, Dem.
[00:42] Demolishor: Wait. Just...wait a sec. If I respect you, or whatever all that slag is you want....will that make Snowcat happy?
[00:45] Deathscythe: Mmhmm. *Predicts with confidence.* Lotsa mergin', I bet. Ask 'im yersef.
[00:48] Demolishor: Oh, shut up, that's not what I want. *shoulders slump* I can't talk to him. I've been trying to pretend that I can actually deal with you being here. Been trying to put up with all his slag, even the stuff about wanting to be human for a while. *has been walking on cyber-eggshells with his mate. The last thing he wants is another fight with Snowcat and another week of not being able to find him*
[00:52] Deathscythe: He gives inna you. Jus' once, giv'in ta him. Make'm happy. Can' hurt. *The thought that he is giving Dem relationship advice floats into his bleary mind and almost makes him laugh again, but he hasn't the energy for it, caught halfway between ON and OFF.*
[00:54] Demolishor: I've been giving in, on everything. Hejust goes la dee da all over the place like nothing happened. I just can't risk him getting mad and running away again.
[01:00] Deathscythe: Ionno, Dem. Tell 'im 'm yer frien' now. Bes' buds. So he dun gotta tiptoe 'roun' me, tryin' not ta'upset ya. Try 'at. Ionno, he's Cat, he's clankers, crazy, weird. Figgur it ou'. 'S'yer Cat. Gnite.
[01:01] Demolishor: *tries to dechipher it* I'll give it a shot, I guess. *flicks a glance in Snowcat's direction*
[01:03] Deathscythe: *Powers off.*
[01:04] Demolishor: *stands up slowly, then walks over to sit next to Snowcat. After a few moments, he also goes into recharge mode*
All my problems are bigger than me. Just...slag the world. And everything over thirty feet tall.