Otakon Tea Party 2009 Final Update!

Jul 11, 2009 20:14

Ladies and Gents, we are less than a week out!

As a reminder to those of you attending, the party starts at 11am at Teavolve's new location in Harbor East. The address is:

1401 Aliceanna St*Harbor East*Baltimore, MD 21231
Ground Level of Eden Apt Building

There will not be a cab caravan this year, but I will be catching a cab from the new Hilton at around 10am, if anyone would like to join me. I'd be glad to give anyone who needs it my phone number; please call me if you need anything or if you experience any problems getting to the tearoom. I won't be able to help much, but the ladies at Teavolve can. As always, please leave questions or comments here, or e-mail me at [anonynezumi AT gmail.com]. PMing through LJ is okay, too.
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