Disclaimer: This is a total figment of my imagination and anything resembling reality is a mistake.
Tyler watched Murilo leave with their boss and he huffed in frustration. That was not how things were meant to go, either before or after the kissing. He hadn’t even meant for there to be kissing! All he’d wanted was a little conversation; he’d missed talking to Murilo these past months. The bag gave him the perfect opportunity and then he had to go and ruin it by not keeping better control over the situation.
He was so fucking stupid, he’d thought that now he knew Murilo’s secret he wouldn’t be kept at arms length any more. He’d only ever been allowed to get so close and he’d hated it. Even now there was no reason for the distance Murilo still seemed to be hesitating. He huffed again and sat down on the bed. From the look on Jonathan’s face the bag being in his room hadn’t been an accident but it made no sense for that to have happened for no reason.
Everything felt so unfinished but he wasn’t sure Murilo would give him another chance. He wanted more than just brief kisses, more than just those moments when weakness overrode common sense. Murilo was fighting this and he didn’t understand why. Sure there was the whole immortality thing but they could probably talk about that.
Tyler thumped the bed with his fist. He shouldn’t have let lust override every good intention he had. There would be enough time for that after he found out what the problem is. For him to do that there had to be conversation and he was going to have to reign in the desire to touch. Jonathan might help him out if he asked but for that he needed to have some sort of plan and right now he just didn’t have one.
His confusion hadn’t lessened by the time he walked along to the welcome meeting either. Murilo hadn’t come back to his room and Tyler was left feeling confused. He’d always been a man for simple pleasures but this would be far from that. Any relationship they had would involve issues he’d never have with anyone else and without question he was going to be the one to die first in any scenario he conjured up. “Is this seat taken?” a voice to his right asked.
Tyler looked up from where he was studying the team mission statement that he’d have to sign at some point to see Thor standing beside him. He glanced across at Murilo who had stubbornly refused to sit next to him and sighed. “No, it’s all yours.”
He dragged his gaze away because that was only going to make the situation worse. Thor slid into the seat beside him and rested his feet on the back of the chair in front. “So anything I should know about my new team?” the Norwegian asked conversationally.
Plenty, he mused. Tyler wasn’t sure whether a vampire on the team was something Thor should know about or not. He hadn’t known about it for that long so it probably wasn’t knowledge he should share. Given how much time he’d spent with Murilo and never got even a hint that something was being hidden from him it was unlikely Thor would find out.
He glanced across at Murilo again and thought, not for the first time, that things would be a lot easier if Murilo would actually talk to him about it rather than hiding away and pretending like nothing happened.
Was this what it would be like every time Murilo gave in and touched him? That first kiss had haunted him ever since it happened and now their second kiss could be doing exactly the same thing. He needed more than that but he didn’t know if he’d be allowed that much.
He couldn’t even tell if Murilo cared or if the vampire simple hadn’t refused what he’d offered. Had Murilo been having fun without him? Maybe the object of his affection hadn’t given him a second thought. This would have been so much easier if Murilo hadn’t been so oblivious in the first place. They could’ve sorted this out easily enough, all it would take was a brief conversation.
Tyler almost laughed aloud at the absurdity of the direction his thoughts were going. How did you start a conversation like that anyway? ‘Oh by the way Tyler, I’m a vampire’. There was no way to bring it up in every day conversation like it was nothing.
It made sense that Murilo hadn’t said anything to him, it did, but he’d thought they had gotten to know each other well enough that they could have somehow broach awkward subjects. Murilo surely had to know that he could be trusted with things like this, that he could....
Who was he trying to kid? There was no way for them to have talked about this. The only way he would’ve found out is the way he did. No matter what he thought of the relationship they’d had before they would have to deal with this latest development at some point. If only he could get Murilo to realise that. “Are you always this loud when you’re thinking?” Thor asked.
Tyler glanced across at the Norwegian and wondered what that was meant to mean. He raised an eyebrow and Thor looked a little awkward. “Whichever it is, I hope I’m never the cause,” Thor continued. “I mean look at what you’ve done to the mission statement you’ve got to sign.”
Tyler focused on the piece of paper in his hands that was now a lot more rumpled than when he’d got it. He pulled a face, this would not make him popular with the office staff when they came to file it away. “We can swap if you like, I’ll just tell them I was nervous about meeting the great Tyler Farrar and they’ll understand completely. Though to be fair I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m pretty sure at least half the office has a crush on you.”
Tyler smiled. “Does that include the plant?”
“Absolutely! It was telling me all about how you’d gallantly carried water to it when it was starting to think it had relocated to the desert. Ever since you gallantly quenched it’s thirst it’s always tried to look it’s best when you’re coming to visit.”
Tyler laughed and held out his rumpled sheet of paper for Thor to take. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy was a few towns over from where I was born.”
Tyler’s smile was large as he took the pristine sheet of paper from his new team-mate and he wondered if maybe this team bonding session was going to be more fun that he’d initially anticipated. If nothing else it looked like getting to know Thor better would be a lot of fun.
The slow ride around the Island had been just what he’d needed to clear his head and get his mind back on the matter at hand. Hopefully it would settle the nerves as well and he could just pretend like everything was the same. He’d try to talk to Murilo tonight and see where it got him. They couldn’t keep putting it off and if he was going to get more kisses while he was in a tropical paradise then the sooner he got it over with the better. Afterwards they’d just be able to relax and see where time alone would get them...
Tyler was feeling lethargic but contented as he sat down at the table for the evening meal. The afternoon on and in the ocean had completely unwound him and now he was looking forward to a good meal and maybe a glass of wine if they were lucky.
He wasn’t exactly looking forward to the cocktail party this evening, he would much prefer to get an early night but the sponsors paid his wages so he would have to at least make an appearance. Besides Cap had been making comments about the outfit he had all picked out so he had to see that at least.
Thor put a plate down on the table and sat down in the chair next to him. Almost automatically his gaze drifted over to Murilo who was sitting next to Jonathan and listening intently to whatever their boss was saying. Murilo was so far away and all he wanted was to be close enough to touch and he didn’t particularly care if they couldn’t sit next to each other, he just wanted to be closer than opposite ends of the table. “How long is it before I start to get trusted with the good stuff?” Thor asked.
He forced himself to turn away and look at his companion. “Like what?”
“Who’s more than just friends,” Thor said.
“You’ve heard the same rumours I have,” Tyler responded.
“Maybe, but you’re in a better position to know what’s true than I am.”
Tyler didn’t want to talk about the team, didn’t want to share secrets with someone who was essentially a stranger. Sure they might have talked at races but they didn’t know each other well enough for him to start gossiping about his team-mates. “I think you-”
“Would it help if I shared a secret?” Thor asked.
Tyler put down his fork and got up from the table. He wasn’t in the mood for this, he was tired of all the things not being said and he couldn’t sit at this table any more knowing Murilo was intent on ignoring him. “I’m not feeling too good, I’m going to go lie down I think.”
He got up from the table and walked away. Maybe Jonathan would let him leave early because he couldn’t face four days of this....