yay....another gig LATE this Friday night 17/3 at Blink, now at Agincourt Hotel in the city
request the new single
(stolen from Metzy on
REQUEST 'RFS' Rod Fuckin' Stewart
main fronts of attack ARE;
JJJ Net 50
http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/net50/vote.htm JJJ Super Request
http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/requests/default.htmRING: 1800 0 555 36 between 6 and 9 weekdays and pester the producer like hell
TEXT: 04 27 222 555 also between 6 and 9. request early and request often.
EMAIL: rosie@triplej.abc.net.au dont email her more than once every 2 days... and make the emails look pretty and say weird stuff. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE AN OVERSEAS PERSON. rosie loves Overseas listeners...
Aussie Link
http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/requests/requests/default.htmOverseas Link
http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/requests/osrequests/default.htmMIXED BAG: try and get a mixed bag. you can have any 3 songs
http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/requests/mixedbag/default.htm TRIPLE J IN GENERAL:
ring 1800 0 555 36 ANY TIME (other than 11pm-1am weekdays) to request or promote and definately make sureyou explain why to them.
SYN FM in Melbourne - www.syn.org.au and vote for them on the HOIST TOP TEN
But seriously, annoy the hell out of Rosie until she starts playing it more k? k.
Go forth and spread the word kids!
or Ross will dress like this and come to your house