So, I realized that it's probably been about a year since I discovered fandom. That in itself was a strange thought--that I've been doing this for a year of my life is bizarre, it doesn't feel that long--but it got me to thinking other strange thoughts. Thus, we have my first...
Post about Fanfiction, Rarepairs, Cliches, and Other Such Nonsense. )
Comments 2
Reading fluff is fun but I can't write it. I wrote one H/D fluff drabble once. It was fun but nothing I will do again soon even if I love fluff dearly.
I quote my friend astartexx 'So I dump some garbage on them and watch them deal and then going on with their lives(...)' - that's what she said about writing fanfiction - angst or flangst in general. Live isn't always full of sunshine and fluffy clouds - even if you want to be happy yourself you still have to go through loads of problems sometimes. So do your characters - no matter if you're writting fanfiction or original ficiton.
*babbles* I could continue about this for ages but dinner is ready. *lol*
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