Don't think about it, Abime. Different people, different problems today. Just...keep on like you were going to do anyway. You're not lost, you're not alone, you have Livia and Mathieu, and that's all you need really. Right? Yep.
You've just got them to worry about now, so do a damn good job of it. Do a damn good job of it. And to do that, you just have to put that at the back of your mind until...
Until I find someone I can trust enough, or someone it'd be fair, to talk to about this. As I trust her, but Livia does not need this right now.
I can carry on as before. Just concentrate on that. So I'm going to look after my wife this week. I'm going to spend some real time with my son.
That. Is what I am going to do, and nothing's going to stop me.
Not even that. No.
Hi. I'm sick this week. Could you get someone to cover my classes if I send you the notes? Please. That'd be a great help, thanks. I owe you one, oui?
Dieu, my lungs hurt. Damn cold. C'est ma vie.