Long time since I've properly written in here. Mainly because I've been busy, partly because it feels weird writing with one hand. You need the other one to do so many weird things, it's unbelieveable.
And then I've been at Nick's, which is...well, it was brilliant of that man all over the place. So brilliant. His wife? Seems to really quite resent what he did there, and I can't say much. I have to...keep trying to get on with her. Even if it's...awkward. Hell, it's my business how I raise my son, and I'm not going to have some self righteous 19 or 20 year old tell me otherwise. No matter who's wife she is. But I'll try and get on with her.
But school's over, my fingers are virtually back where they should be, and yesterday...well, I'm now, again, thank you Italy, three years from a divorce, but definately legally seperated. So...I'm sorta free. I should really...really go sell those rings. Need to get rid of them. need the money. I almost forgot I had it until I took those bandages off. So very, very final.
Which is why I need to do it, but why I'm really struggling. I just need to convince myself that this is...that she fucked me over. That she really fucked me over and I deserve better. You see now Bellatrix would come in handy.
But it's good to just have time. Better than good to just have time. To spend time with my son, to teach him to do all sorts of things (hey, the kid can walk around now, it's kind of awesome). I'd quite like to actually talk to someone, but we're working on that one. As much as one can.
Things are, gradually, on the up.
Two things. Quickly, do you remember what you told me waaay back when I first told you I was getting divorced? If so, run me through it again, now I need to hear it.
Secondly, finally, after many things getting in the way, can I come and bother you with Mathieu? You know you want me to.
Thanks for letting me stay. Really, thank you so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate that.
Also, guess who's a free man? Go on, guess who. If it wasn't entirely obvious.
I am...free. Again, if any of you ladies want a nice French mathematican, I'm all open. But in the main, I'm having a great time just sitting around the house with my son. If anyone wants to visit, please do. I haven't talked to people in too long.
Now, back to cleaning the fluffy lion that either Lucien or Mathieu got paint on. I'm betting the former.