Time to crawl out of the bubble. Well, now that I just have a scar, I'm entirely sure Mathieu's alright and we've gone back to learning new, and exciting things. In the way only small children can. I just hope nobody's in the mood to kill me still. I'd rather stay alive, as moving about the school gingerly for a good few weeks is something I only really want to do once in my life.
Well, here's to hoping. Because living in the bubble can be so lonely at times. I think I need to go out a bit more, if I get the time. I need to find the time, because other wise I'll either go mad or drive everyone I know mad. Possibly both. I'm sure I can find someone to keep an eye on Mathieu and the dinosaur for the night.
To adventures and experimenting.
How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while. Time to catch up, I think. Oh, and could you help me with something?
Am I allowed to approach from the cocoon of apologeticness yet? If so, fancy helping me find some kind of date or something? I...I dunno. I'm something between bored and slowly losing it as a result.
Failing that, want to meet up for coffee at some point?
Ho hum. Life ambles on. Mathieu's growing up, which is more exciting than any of the maths I have to do right now. How is everyone?