Hi! Tell me about your comic. :3
The details of my comic are only known to me and Ben, as he is my illustrator. :| Also a little bit to Candice.
But I'm curious! I'm very good at keeping secrets. What's the genre?
Horror comedy.
Oh I SEE. I saw something like that but it was about zombie porn stars, that's probably not what you're doing. Unless it is, in which case you really do need to tell me more.
The goal is to have it done in time for printing in lit mag. I think. So no. Nothing about porn stars.
Lit mag? OH, at school. Right. I don't think I've seen any of that.
What's the plot?
No one ever sees much of lit mag. For the same reason we're always struggling to find enough material to make it worth printing.
As for plot. There are vampires.
That's pretty much the only concrete plot we have.
Well, I don't see a lot of the school, I'm not there very often.
HMM, what sort of vampires? 30 Days of Night, or Ricean woe-and-angst-and-homosexual-undertones?
I hate Anne Rice so I'll be avoiding that sort of thing. Thanks.
Awesome. Scary vampires are more fun than pretty and...whatever that is, /I/ think. Do you have characters worked up?
Ben and I both have a habit of people watching. That provides plenty of material for characters so yes.
Oh, so they're people you know? Or are you just kind of making amalgams?
A little bit of both.
So are people going to recognize themselves? Because that could potentially be /really/ fun.
I'm pretty sure some people will be really easily recognized, yes.
Sorry I ask so many questions. Kind of. I mean, I'm sorry if it's ANNOYING but I'm not really sorry I'm asking...anyway. :3 You could make the principal a vampire.
I don't mind. I just don't talk a lot so answering questions doesn't happen much. Unless it's Candice or Ben asking. Then I'm used to it and it often has something to do with how on earth I found whatever traumatizing YouTube video I'm sharing today.
But the principal as a vampire is a fun thought.
Wellll I talk a lot. It's basically physically impossible to shut me up, honestly! How come you don't? Just quietlike?
He could say his announcements around the fangs. :E
I don't like to get into serious conversations that lead to uncomfortable topics and talking to people too much ultimately risks such twists and turns.
He's weird enough to be a vampire.
Fair enough! So vampirism it is. For the principal. I, personally, would never like to be a vampire.
Although I hear it would make it so I'd never have to school again, still. No sell.
I suppose it'd depend on the exact take on vampirism and what the perks actually were.