Who: Nana [
7th_sinner], Cobweb [
boundbyivy] and Gengar [
What: In order to ease both Cobweb's loneliness and Nana's fear of the storm and the rising flood waters, Nana pays a visit to Cobweb's room in order to get their minds off of things
Where: Section 5, Room 11
When: March 22nd
Warnings: None, just... 'girltalk' I guess?
Not talking is no way to communicate! )
Comments 6
He glanced up from his musings at the knock on the door and smiled, moving to open it for Nana. A plate of sandwiches sat on the table he passed - he'd had a feeling while getting food earlier that he might be getting some company.
Opening the door he gave Nana a smile. "You're fast. How are your injuries? Better or still the same?"
"You have snacks already!" Nana was impressed with Cobweb's foresight, though really it made sense with his sort-of-vector-like abilities... but still. Nana was impressed.
"Yes, help yourself. I thought I might get some company." He replied, offering her a sandwich and taking one for himself as well.
He wasn't really feeling up to people, but it beat thinking about Gardevoir. Gardevoir, Gardevoir, Gardevoir... he missed her so much. He wished he could see her one more time. Just to tell her how greateful he was, even though she wouldn't remember...
But he shook his head. None of that. Not now. Not when he was supposed to be good company. He shook his head, gave a chuckle, and knocked at the door with his toes... holding three apples to his chest.
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