Characters: NPCs, open
Setting: cafeteria, after lunch, June 11 & 12
Format: starting in prose
Summary: Some of the tower administration answers questions characters may have about their situation.
Warnings: possible language, possible violence
There is a small, hastily-constructed stage at the head of the cafeteria. )
She sighs, "At least they sound like they want to help us."
Second day, and he appears beside the young girl, standing like he did in the first day.
"They are keeping secrets from us," he grunts when Mercedes speaks up.
"What makes you say that?" Mercedes asks, not sounding like she thinks it entirely impossible. She can't hand her trust to her captors just yet.
"They keep circling questions back to us."
They had mentioned several times that they did not know the exact facts. Was that a play on naivete or sincere? "But what for? I can't imagine any reason to not tell us."
Castiel has always been on his guard ever since he woke up in this tower. Embodiment of nations, fae folk, and now this sudden question-and-answer session... He wants straight answers, but from how their captors answer, it seems like he wouldn't get anything that would help him get out of this tower.
He turns to her slowly. "I have faith that we will be able to escape this tower."
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