Caught Unawares [Vriska]

Dec 19, 2011 20:08

Characters: Suzaku, Vriska, Spidermom
Setting: Near the forest level into the forest
Format: starting prose will switch if needed
Summary: Vriska claims her next victim for spidermom
Warnings: death by giant spider

Suzaku had fully recovered from his time in the world that was not his real. He hadn't gotten injured, he had seen others who had been very injured by the worlds. The emotional impact... was nothing new and he knew that it was not real... even though he was presumed dead and Lelouch probably believed him a traitor, for Lelouch knew he could not die. It was not the hateful Lelouch he had encountered. He had seen Anya's journal, he knew Schneizel had not won.

He was mainly lost in his thoughts as he walked down the staircase passing through the forst.

[ou] suzaku kururugi

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