I know. I know. We haven't even had Halloween yet. Don't worry. I'm in with the crowd who thinks September is too early for Xmas decorations in the stores(!) but I'm mentioning this now because my book group and I are doing something cool and I wanted to tell you about it!
We don't exchange gifts at Christmas in my book group, but this year we decided to do something different. There are five of us and we are telling each other (now, so we'll have time to think about it) something we'd like to have. The point is to spend little or no money but come up with something interesting. For example, one of us might say she wants a "white elephant." One member might give her a terrible bud vase that was given to her years ago and she hates it and she knows the other person will laughingly hate it, too, because that's one definition of a "white elephant." Another might find a wooden elephant at Goodwill, paint it white and give it to her. Still another might write a poem about a white elephant. There are three of us who have made our wishes known. I told them I wanted a two-part gift! I want a game that 1) has to do with cats (because I'm a cat person) and 2) every time I play it, I win! It can be a game that is played with others or it can be a solitare-type game. Another woman wants "a hope chest." And still another wants "Grandma's attic!" I have already made the hope chest and I'm working on Grandma's attic, but I can't tell you what I've done because one or more of them read my blog! I'll let you know when we open our gifts! The other two women are still thinking, but their deadline is the middle of October so we'll have time to be creative! I only mention what we're doing in case others of you are in groups that you think might enjoy the project!! As I said, when we've opened our gifts (we all go to dinner around Christmas time and that's when we'll open them), I'll let you play my game with me (but remember--I'll always win!!!)