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May 12, 2009 08:55

I wish that I could say that I put the woman in the cellar from my mind. I wish I could say that I forgot her, moved on with my life, lived to be a college head, marry, and have children. But she had touched something in me that ran deep as an underground river. Day after day, she consumed my waking thoughts. When I slept, I dreamt of her.

I did not hear her voice again for some time. It so happened that there was no time for me to sneak away. I once remember coming out of my room one night to see my father walking briskly down the hall with another man, one in a red robe that recalled Sir Isaac's, and pulling his gloves onto his hands. I had at first been startled to see him without the gloves, but before that emotion had time to hit home, he fixed me with a glare that eliminated all else. "Go back to bed," he instructed me, and I obeyed before I knew what I was doing, as though my muscles responded to his voice before my own brain.


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