HA! I remembered.
That's the problem with stuff like this. I get busy and forget shit. MIND LIKE A STEEL SIEVE! [poses]
Week 2: Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.
Good God, you’re seriously going to make me dig up my records to figure this out? I’ll be here all day. If I had the time, I would, you know. Time being a premium, you’re going to get my sketchy memory. I’m sure I will be forgetting a whole bunch. As I remember them, I’ll update but don’t hold your breath. Most likely this list represents the fandoms that I have the most fondness for.
Gundam Wing
Weiss Kreuz
Full Metal Alchemist (first one)
Saint Seiya (and a couple of offshoots)
And a whole assload more that I’m not remembering right now.
As for how much? Some had lots, some had a few. Still loved each and every one.
For the question on if I’m still writing for them? Eh…yes and no. Some I am, some I’m not. Some I’m picking at, some I may just leave them to rest and remember the good times.
But as I try to get back into the swing of things, I may revisit some of my oldie but goodies.
On the other hand, I have a few fandoms I’m looking to try my hand at so…you never know. [eyebrow waggle] Yuletide is coming up and I’m working on my offers now. I have my requests all keyed in and need to finish my letter.