Luvrose5: who else was there
toyhandgrenade: just me and marisandra tonite
toyhandgrenade: track club is slow blooming
Luvrose5: ah
toyhandgrenade: but im pretty sure it'll explode soon
toyhandgrenade: especially when the weather becomes nice
toyhandgrenade: my dream would be having over 30 people jogging around campus being ridiculous
toyhandgrenade: creating their own paths
toyhandgrenade: running at their own pace
toyhandgrenade: giving out points to each other for no reason
toyhandgrenade: we jump over imaginary hurdles
Luvrose5: hahahahhaha
toyhandgrenade: and we do high knees across intersections
toyhandgrenade: and long bricked pathes
Luvrose5: hahahahahha
Luvrose5: i should ride a bike and video tape
toyhandgrenade: this is all training for the freestyle walking club of the future
Luvrose5: oh ken you are so cool and sexy. you should make love to a million women and make a million babies. *
toyhandgrenade: consider it done.
* = this part may not have actually been typed
other news: i wrote a resume but did not attend the job fair. i havent gone to any classes so far this week. i spent cigarette money on gasoline, which is a big step towards quitting the smoking.
Marisandra scored 20 Track Club points tonite, so you all better put on your game faces if you hope to catch up and maybe even steal the lead.