I just thought it'd be nice art fodder.
It looks like there aren't enough characters to go around, though...there are certain...archetypes? of which I have no characters that fit well. I have the feeling I should, but I don't...
Also I'm going off Wikipedia entries entirely because I have no knowledge of tarot at all outside of the fact that House of the Dead bosses are named after the major arcana cards (which took me years to realize shut up shut up).
major arcana
0The FoolCy / Lain...?The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world.
He is seemingly unconcerned that he is standing on a precipice, apparently about to step off. One of the keys to the card is the paradigm of the precipice, Zero and the sometimes represented oblivious Fool's near-step into the oblivion...
The number 0 is a perfect significator for the Fool, as it can become anything when he reaches his destination as in the sense of 'joker's wild'. Zero plus anything equals the same thing. Zero times anything equals zero. Zero is nothing, a lack of hard substance, and as such it may reflect a non-issue or lack of cohesiveness for the subject at hand.
WP ...I thought I had an answer, but then again, I'm not sure. I thought of Lain first, but after looking through the article again...I have no idea. Also, as the zeroth card...I'd like to use a character that isn't so bound to a universe. I guess. Is this narcissistic...?
1The MagicianSolsAction - Consciousness - Concentration - Personal power
Practicality - Energy - Creativity - Movement
Precision - Conviction - Manipulation - Self confidence
Being objective - Focusing - Determination - Initiative
When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal. Depending on the card's placement in relation to other cards, the message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
The card can mean that a manipulator is floating around, usually if it's reversed. He may be a beneficent guide, but he does not necessarily have our best interests in mind. He may also represent the querent’s ego or self awareness. He can also represent the intoxication of power, both good and bad.
The Fool (card 0) has learned something about the workings of the world and now sees himself as powerful.
WP I feel kind of bad to say I didn't think very hard before the answer popped up in my head...and I feel bad about the choice of character too. I think it works, but that's probably something I shouldn't be saying myself.
(Name-wise, though, Sols would be The Sun.)
2The High Priestess?Knowingness - Love - Relationships
Wisdom - Sound judgment - Serenity
Common sense - Intuition
Mystical vision - introspection - otherworldliness
Commonly this card is associated with the card reader or the querant (you), because it is also focused on 'secrets' it also interpreted when a secret is kept or revealed, when you are holding on to the truth or revealing it, the card associated with mystery, when powerful female influences and support currently in force for the querant. It can also represent the perfect woman in a man's life, and to a woman it can represent being independently solo perhaps without a man.
WP Augh another of those I thought I had but am not sure of now.
Original thought: Shani. But she's missing the wisdom/mystical mumbo-jumbo part.
I don't have anyone else who seems to come close...
3The Empress?Mothering ----- Fertility ----- Sexuality ----- Abundance
Material prosperity ----- Pleasure ----- Comfort ----- Power
Nature ----- Delight ----- Desire ----- Physical attraction
Health ----- Sensuality ----- Beauty ----- Satisfaction
According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, The Empress is the inferior (as opposed to nature's superior) Garden of Eden, the "Earthly Paradise". Waite defines her as not being Regina Coeli (the Blessed Virgin Mary), but rather a Refugium Peccatorum - a fruitful mother of thousands: she is above all things universal fecundity and the outer sense of the Word, the repository of all things nurturing and sustaining, and of feeding others.
WP ok what
I have no idea now
The only remotely mum-like character I have is Ruby.
Visually, I could throw Cabaletta out there. No motherliness at all though...
4The Emperor?Fathering ----- Stability ----- Authority ----- Power
Control ----- Discipline ----- Command ----- Common sense
Status quo ----- Order ----- Structure ----- Egocentrism
Tradition ----- Rigidity ----- Leadership ----- Experience
Inflexibility ----- Conservative ways ----- Organization
He symbolizes the top of the secular hierarchy, the ultimate male ego. The Emperor is the absolute ruler of the world.
The Emperor symbolizes the desire to rule over one's surroundings, and its appearance in a reading often suggests that the subject needs to accept that some things may not be controllable, and others may not benefit from being controlled.
Where the Empress is the Feminine principle, the Emperor is the Masculine.
ok I got that out
now uhhh
Empress->Ruby, Emperor->Diese would actually be pretty nice, but I'm considering Diese for The Hermit...
Diese is also anything but inflexible...ghdj;skjldkjf;ls
funny how I have loads of male characters but have a severe lack of testosterone in the list
5The Hierophant?Education ----- Knowledge ----- Status quo ----- Institution
Conservatism ----- Discipline ----- Maturity ----- Formality
Deception ----- Power ----- Respect ----- Duality
Social convention ----- Belief system ----- Group identification
Experience ----- Tradition ----- Naïve
“Hierophant” literally means “the one who teaches the holy things”. Ideally, the Hierophant prepares the Querant spiritually for the adventure of life. The card also represents individuation or the point where a child starts to understand the boundaries between Self and Other, family and the community. This is the point where the individual starts constructing his or her own identity, consciously, unconsciously, or as shaped by exterior forces.
Some authorities say that the Hierophant generally represents assistance, friendship, good advice, alliances (including marriages), and religious interests. Reversed; it often refers to bad advice, lies, and persecution.
Others say that it represents the first level of understanding. When it appears in a tarot spread, it is a warning to the Querant to reexamine his or her understanding of the meaning of things; of the structure of the world; of the powers that be. Watch out for hypocrisy.
WP I'm completely lost on this one.
Should I throw out Tian for this...?
6The LoversTian/Yue or Leo/Cory (in which case 5 can be Tian) or Diese/RubyLove relationship ----- Union ----- Passion ----- Sexuality
Pleasure ----- Humanism ----- Desire ----- Personal beliefs
Individual values ----- Physical attraction ----- Connection
Affinity ----- Bonding ----- Romance ----- Heart
Following the Marseilles Tradition, also there are:
Choice ----- Doubt ----- Difficult decision ----- Dilemma ----- Temptation
The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins in some decks.
WP Going purely by the card's name...is a little problematic.
Most of my coupled characters are non-canon.
I mean. I am my own fanbase.
shut up shut up
I think only Tian/Yue is confirmed to be canon...
Leo/Cory is entirely the product of my imagination (shut up shut up shut up) but does fit quite well...the only problem here is that I haven't entirely decided what they look like, so drawing is a problem.
Diese/Ruby is...something in the far future...something that isn't part of the main story but is given a passing mention in the epilogue or something like that. Maybe. I'd rather split these two up to take another two cards.
...I guess there's the quartet but they're way too embarrassing to use.
If I call this The Twins, I could use the bunny twins. They're not fully designed, but I'm not short on possibilities for them.
7The Chariot? Conquest ----- Honor ----- Victory ----- Energy
Egocentrism ----- Self confidence ----- Conviction ----- Anxiety
Willpower ----- Self assertion ----- Hard control ----- Discipline
Inflexibility ----- Success ----- Wealth ----- Recognition
Impulsivity ----- Command ----- Bravery ----- Pride
On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory; either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want.
It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, or circumstances; to bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction.
On the one hand, the Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds. But the chariot can also signal a ruthless, diehard desire to win at any cost. The Querent should be reminded to save his energy for what comes after. Victory is just the start of things.
If inverted, the meaning remains the same, but the Querent is in danger of losing the battle due to a lack of control.
WP This is...one of those that I think I should have someone who would be really awesome to use for, but just can't figure it out.
Mr. Bluebird?
Raide? (I mean well she's a Pokemon I've used overwhelm-with-potions tactics with after all)
8JusticeLeo...Impartiality ----- Distance ----- Coldness ----- Justice
Objective mind----- Criticism ----- Being clever ----- Insensitivity
Decision ----- Intellect ----- Analysis ----- Realism ----- Severity
Responsibility ----- Rationality ----- Clear vision ----- Logic and reason
WP Whichever way I look at it...there isn't a better character for this...
...stdio might work, but I think he's lacking in the realism/severity/justice departments. He's not exactly cold either. Young Diese might have some traits that work but there is something grievously wrong with using a master thief on this card.
Interestingly, from the same page:
Justice is traditionally the eighth card and Strength the eleventh, but the influential Rider-Waite-Smith deck switched the position of these two cards in order to make them better fit the astrological correspondences worked out by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, under which the eighth card is associated with Leo and the eleventh with Libra.
9The HermitDieseNotes
10Wheel of FortuneJack...?Notes
12The Hanged ManAce...? Err?Notes
13DeathYukikoEnding of a cycle--Loss--Conclusion--Sadness
Transition into a new state--Psychological transformation
Finishing up--Regeneration--Elimination of old patterns
Being caught in the inescapable--Good-byes--Deep change
WP The reasons for picking this character are more meta-related than anything.
She was my first character. I stuck with her for many years before stopping, around which time I grew out of reusing the same character(s) for every single thing, which was really just getting embarrassing.
...I guess it's troublesome to explain. The character herself is an empty shell who never really had a personality to begin with, but I am a sentimental sap.
14TemperanceShigure?Temperance ----- Harmony ----- Balance ----- Health
Moderation ----- Joining forces ----- Well-being ----- Recovery
Equilibrium ----- Transcendence ----- Unification ------ Healing
Synthesis ----- Bringing together opposites ---- Feeling secure
WP ...so I thought, this looks like a call for a healer character.
And then I realised I don't have one.
Shigure comes close - I vaguely remember she had some kind of healing ability, but I'm not entirely sure.
It's really odd, since I thought I should have at least one healer-type...crusader!Tian does have the Heal skill, but he's not...he doesn't seem to fit a lot of the other traits. and he's mainly a sword-swinging moron, anyway
15The DevilEnsign? Atlius? Drpx?Notes
16The Tower(chaos/impact/crisis/revelation/disruption) Drpx?Notes
17The StarSouCalmness ----- Free-flowing love ----- Trust
Tranquility ----- Peace of mind ----- Pure essence
Hope ----- Serenity ----- Inspiration ----- Generosity
Optimism ----- Joy ----- Faith ----- Regeneration
Good will ----- Optimism ----- Harmony ----- Renewal of forces
WP Besides the fact that the traits generally work, Sou is the only character of mine with star motifs. I...think.
18The Moonstdio?Notes
19The SunRin? Raide? Ally? Konani...?Optimism---Expansion---Being radiant---Positive feelings
Assurance---Energy---Personal power---Happiness
Splendor---Brilliance---Joy ---Enthusiasm
This card is generally considered positive. It is said to reflect happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence and success. Sometimes referred to as the best card in Tarot, it represents good things and positive outcomes to current struggles.
WP ...leaning heavily towards using Rin for this, for the pretties/fire. Even though he's heavy on the blues/purples, I'm pretty sure I can work that out...or at least the challenge sounds interesting. Traits are semi-related in a fuzzy handwaved sort of way.
Raide is a lot less intense. Ally works, traits-wise, but I can't think of pretties...and this is more of an art project than anything else. Konani...is a crack character so I'm really unsure about this but if I could think of a way to remove the crack and make some pretties, I would. Unfortunately that looks very difficult.
20JudgementErr?Judgment ----- Rebirth ----- Inner Calling ----- Absolution
Restart ----- Accepting past mistakes/actions ----- Release
Forgiveness ----- End of repression ----- Reconciliation ----- Renewal
Decision ----- Salvation ----- New beginning ----- Hope ----- Redemption
WP Looking at the traits list, I can't think of anyone else who fits better. Even though I considered using him for other cards...this one makes the most sense.
Shani is an alternative. They're somewhat similar, I think. Err would make a happier card...probably.
21The WorldCamera-sanFulfillment
Accomplishment / Success
Satisfaction / Repleteness
Contentment / Good feelings
The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. The figure is at once male and female, above and below, suspended between the heavens and the earth. It is completeness. It is also said to represent cosmic consciousness; the potential of perfect union with the One Power of the universe. It tells us full happiness is also to give back to the world, sharing what we have learned or gained.
WP I thought I'd like a less universe-fixed character for this one, but Camera-san has a lot in the way of potential pretties. Traits also seem to work. Maybe.
...severely lacking in grand THE ONE!! characters.