One Big Guy!

Jul 31, 2007 23:32

Name/Nickname: Jasmine M.
Age: 24
Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Water Dog
Height: 5'5"
Describe your personality: Moody, lonely, sweet, brainy and incomplete. People who actually get to know me say I'm fun and really unique. People who don't say I'm interesting.

Would you prefer to be rated as girl/boy/doesn’t matter?: A girl. Please note this.
Have you rated 3, 9, 27, or 81 members? Please post the links: Here's my three: click, click, click.

Hobbies: Drawing, making art, reading comics, making comics, writing.
Likes: Legend of Zelda, of course. Tea, animation, comic books, music, Tarantino films, being warm, my cat, the show Rome.
Dislikes: People in general, sweaters, the cold, extreme heat. I'm also a master of staircase wit. Drives me crazy.
Strengths: I'm artistic, clever and funny.
Weaknesses: I have a temper, I can be lazy and I'm messy.
Favorite color: Black, every tortured artist's favorite color.
Favorite animal: Cats. And the Olm.

Is the glass half empty or half full?: If you were filling it up, then it's half full. If you were pouring it out, then it'd be half empty.
Are you a leader, follower, or loner?: A loner.
Are you gung-ho or are you a tactician?: Gung-ho.
Are you shy, outgoing, or in between?: Shy.
Are you mature or immature?: Mature.

If you could have any wish granted what would it be?: Hm. This is a hard one. I would probably cheat and try asking for more wishes, since I might screw up on one wish and not specify enough, and do something like ask for "peace on earth" but forget to specify the "good will toward men," and everyone on Earth disappears. I've got to have a way to reverse the original wish if I screw up.
What is the one thing you would change about the world if you could?: I would get rid of the apathy so we could all come together and actually do something about the state of the world.
Do you believe in the good or the bad in man?: I think that there's good and bad in everyone. It's yin and yang; you can't have the good without the bad, and you can't have the bad without the good.
How do you feel about mistakes?: You make them, you learn from them, and you move on. The key is learning from them so you don't keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Twilight Princess
Favorite character: It's a tie between Zelda and Agitha. Zelda because she's noble and wise, and Agitha because she's quirky and likes bugs.
Least favorite character: Falbi and Fyer. Man, how I hate clowns.
Favorite boss: Fyrus, the boss in the Goron's Mines. He was so fun.
Favorite Location: Hyrule Field. I like meandering there with Epona.

Power, Courage, or Wisdom?: Wisdom.
Weapon of choice?: The Master Sword. There's just something so cool about it.

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