TEAM TANNER Scavenger Hunt Answers Post

Jul 21, 2010 05:25

Challenge: Find a picture from an episode of M7 for each of the 15 items on the list. All photos can be found at strangevisitor7's screen cap album.

Well, here are all of my pics for each item. I found something for all fifteen - finally!!

*clothes line (are those underpants?)

*toothpick (love this part)

*red bonnet (that is a bonnet on the little girl, right?)

*razor (bad mean Chris)

*American flag (look! it's JD)

*carrots (reminds me of this yummy carrot recipe my aunt has...)

*fake mustache (LOVE Ezra)

*wind mill (poor Chris)

*hand cuffs (poor Buck)

*spur (Buck has one on!)

*green feathers (almost missed the feathers here, was distracted, heh)

*map (third one I found, but I like the angle here best)

*checker board (Ezra was losing at checkers here, right?)

*diamond ring (dumb Ezra, wonder if he got all his stuff/$ back in the end...)

*stethoscope (Nate sure looks happy to know he's not d.e.d.)

hotties, magnificent 7, team tanner, pic

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