please comment to this

Jan 06, 2005 21:21

i'm comtemplating making a new livejournal. i've basically only kept this one for my friends page. i love reading my friends page, and i know i don't comment alot but i read it every day. i don't want to lose any of my friends on my list, so i'm wondering before i go and take the time to make a new journal, are any of you interested in adding a new ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

chrno_3v1l January 7 2005, 04:30:48 UTC


fionn_fezzic January 7 2005, 04:48:37 UTC
ill read the new journal


jellyfish78 January 7 2005, 05:17:30 UTC
Yes, of course I'd add your new journal...just one request...when you get rid of the other one, either delete it or else take my name off of it, please. My obsessive ass can't stand when people abandon their journals and yet I still show up as a "friend of" theirs. I like to keep the ratio of "friends" and "friends of" as close as possible. Now excuse me while I go wash my hands 200 times...


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