Ritual Studies Class

Aug 07, 2008 21:47

...went pretty well, but it was hot and the a/c wasn't working well. In Florida, this is a problem.

Joe taught pretty well, but he did do a little too much reading off of his notes. He needs to learn to not just stand up there and read.

Tomorrow is Black Cat Cafe, the UU coffeehouse. People have been trying to get me to go to Black Cat and sing. But I seem to have some phlegm in my throat and I'm not sure I want to do any singing with it like this.

One other snag that happened this evening: no key to get into room 9 at the UU church, where the class was held. Tom was driving up from Miami, Sarah was at home, and Peter was God only knows where, and so far as I knew Mary was in Chicago. Poor Joe, the former vice president of the pagan group and the teacher of the Ritual Studies class, never got a key so he could get in and get the class taught.

:shakes head:

Makes no sense. People have cell phones and they do not talk to each other! Like this: "Hey Sarah, this is Tom, your friendly Wiccan group president. Could you make sure that you're at room 9 at the UU church on Thursday to let Joe in so he can teach Ritual Studies? Thanks, Sarah!"

How hard is that?? My God. Tom even has the Bluetooth thing and therefore has the earpiece clamped onto his head all the time! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum!

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