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Comments 185

Video harbor_girl September 11 2009, 09:01:45 UTC
That'd be Adstringéndum, sir.

And no one really seems to know. The closest I can estimate, it's somewhere between nowhere and somewhere.


Video trackingdata September 11 2009, 09:12:02 UTC
Adstringéndum? Interesting name.

I suppose that solves the question of whether to ask for directions then.


Video harbor_girl September 11 2009, 09:14:09 UTC
Yes, I've never heard the language. I wonder if it means something.

That would depend on what precisely you are looking for, sir. If it's a way back home, I'm afraid I cannot help you.


Video trackingdata September 11 2009, 09:19:56 UTC
Sounds like Latin to me, couldn't say what it means though.

A way back home would be nice, I doubt that i'll be earning any points for wandering off on my own.


[ video ] genesisfour September 11 2009, 09:06:14 UTC
[a young man peers into the screen, staring at you.]

Who's Dita?


[ video ] trackingdata September 11 2009, 09:13:00 UTC
Does that really matter?


[ video ] genesisfour September 11 2009, 09:16:41 UTC
[a shrug.] Not really.

... We might be in a different dimension.


[ video ] trackingdata September 11 2009, 09:21:12 UTC
Another dimension, you think? I can see why that would be a logical conclusion.


tsengsilence September 11 2009, 10:23:38 UTC
This place is Adstringendum.


trackingdata September 11 2009, 11:43:27 UTC
So i've heard. I don't suppose that you know where Adstringéndum is, do you?


tsengsilence September 11 2009, 12:09:09 UTC
I'm as lost as you are. I was actually hoping people told you stuff more informative than what people've been telling me.


trackingdata September 11 2009, 12:13:06 UTC
They're not very good at filling people in, I take it.


jam_lover_13 September 11 2009, 17:40:25 UTC
Who are you searching for?


trackingdata September 11 2009, 17:42:12 UTC
I'm not searching for anyone; the one I want I know isn't here.


jam_lover_13 September 11 2009, 17:45:58 UTC
"It does seem that our girl is here"
That's noone, right.


trackingdata September 11 2009, 17:47:31 UTC
It was merely a thing to note.


willdateforyen September 11 2009, 22:48:42 UTC
Others can make cute faces for you.


trackingdata September 11 2009, 22:50:17 UTC
Can they now? It's a pretty high title to live up to after all.


willdateforyen September 11 2009, 22:52:01 UTC
What did this girl's faces look like?


trackingdata September 11 2009, 22:55:51 UTC
Now why would you want to know that?


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