Jan 04, 2003 03:43
so one time try to let it go and have faith that it'll work out
and always tell yourself that if it's meant to be, it'll work out
Jan 03, 2003 01:06
Once again foiled, at least I wasn't signed on...
I just need closure....why can't I fucking get it?
Nov 27, 2002 00:11
Back in the dolph....unfortunately....but enjoying the snow
Happy Thanksgiving
Oct 09, 2002 02:15
Yes writing a 3-5 page paper for the following day or current day if it is 2:16am, is not a smart idea.....just had doritos and pineapple in the hallway with Laura aka Lara....was nice to take a break. Wish me luck, about a page to go....
Sep 14, 2002 13:06
Its a day...Just an ordinary day
Sep 14, 2002 03:06
I feel dumb...I seemed way too anxious...will take a few days to make up for that.
Sep 12, 2002 02:05
yup everything hiked it up a notch tonight which was nice...feel better than previously but still too early to be hopeful since nothing significant has happened. still 90% sure it was him at open house.....
Sep 11, 2002 20:41
Like a sponge....stays on top till too much water is soaked in and then it sinks....
Aug 28, 2002 00:25
Toodles Mattapandolph