For those interested: The show features tools, artwork, wood turning, wood burning tools, wood and projects. The show is on Nov. 12 and 13.
NORDIC FESTIVAL: Saturday, October 15. 10:00 am to 4:00 pm presented by the Embla Lodge No.2 Daughters of Norway. Place is MT VIEW COMMUNITY CENTER at 3505 -122 Avenue East. Edgewood, Washington. Free parking. come enjoy traditional music, arts, crafts and refreshments.
Andy was a wood carver of incredible talent who carved the stunning Acanthus leaf mural in the lodge. It was carved out of maple. He carved many other objects including a display of utensils and a plate at Trollhaugen Lodge
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I just got from the local Blind Veterans Luncheon. My wife is the secretary for this group. Nice meeting. Talked about new developments at American Lake VA hospital and at a national level. It seems that National office wants to micromanage everything, especially finances., Oh joy!