In a good mood

Jan 22, 2004 14:22

Ok... so I started to write about youth last night and my stupid computer deleted it... STUPID COMPUTER!!!!!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!!!! Anyways... it was pretty cool. We're doing this 3-part series on relationships. It's very interesting.

Today at school was yet again like every other day...

...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a discussion on plaigerism (spelling?) in my Humanities class today. Yep... we're going to be tested on it tomorrow... it's to help us when we write our Senior thesis papers so we know how to not PlaigerBLAH! <--- I can't spell that word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we started to read the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. So far it's pretty good... I just don't entirely understand the purpose for Shakespeare writing it but I'm sure I will soon enough.

In my art class I finished researching on Grant Wood and just kind of hung out for the rest of the class period. There's this guy in that class who makes me frustrated. He's really cute... I thought he was cute when I first saw him... well... come to find out he's a.... he's a SOPHOMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me mad because I'm a SENIOR!!!!!!!! Grrrr!!!!!!!!! So... right now that might look a little weird if I was to go out with him... he looks about the same age as me. In fact, he's taller then me as well... but then again... I'm really short. I know a few years from me that short distance wont matter but in High School it kind of does. Oh well...

So yea... I get out of school early every day. I start school at 7:30am and I get out of school at like 12:16 everyday.... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I graduate May 19th... I'm counting down the days until graduation. If I'm counting correctly there's exactly 119 days until graduation... that's counting weekends too... ME HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... not too much else going on here. just waiting for my friend Bre to call me... she's supposed to come over because she needs to use my computer to do some research.... right, like she'll actually research the work... lol... she'll probably just search whatever involves anything but school work.
Well.... Gottsa Go for now.... probably going to play hockey video games with my step-dad. Or maybe I can convince him to play Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart.

Well... bye.... I love all reading this!!!!!!!!!!
<3 <--supposed to be a heart.

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
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What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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