Jan 05, 2006 20:57
"They say that when you're about to die,
your life flashes before your eyes....
will it be worth watching?"
Jan 04, 2006 12:04
For all of you who I actually talk to/see or who don't know...I'm not living at home - I'll just put it that way because certain people apparently read this too. I'm supposed to go back to school a week early on the 10th/11th if you happen to want to hang out. whatever. life sucks, bitch.
Dec 30, 2005 10:53
Ahahaha, last night was so awesome that I couldn't sleep. I probably fell asleep around 5 and woke up at 8 and of course couldn't fall back asleep. The joy(s) of insomnia! :-) but life is good!!
Gotta go running today/make up for sitting on my ass yesterday hahaha..
Dec 29, 2005 15:20
Wow, so my LJ is fucking hot now. I'm pumped for bowling tonight and RBAR tommorrow night...if anyone else wants to come, let me knowwww!
Dec 22, 2005 12:22
I know it's late, but THANK YOU finals- for being over
Dec 02, 2005 12:31
I think professors ENJOY piling on papers, assignments, and even exams before it.
ch-ch-ch-changeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.... :-/
Nov 09, 2005 17:50
my life=not so good
Jenny, you're the best friend I could ask for! <33
Oct 26, 2005 20:05
OH I guess I can't wait for Saturday even more than my birthday on Sunday ahahahha
Oct 26, 2005 14:56
A fifth grader in the class I help teach asked me if I was married. I responded with a 'no' and he said "..because you're very beautiful." awww I <3 kids..
Oct 20, 2005 12:36
Umm I got an A on my sociology test bitchhh! and a B+ for my midterm grade!! wahoooo!!!