RANDOM: steve!!! we don't really chat or talk. from what i do know and from the chats we have had you're very cool. i want to go to one of your shows. sorry i missed that one you had at the epicentre a few months ago. i had no way of getting there. i was soo disappointed that i couldn't see your band play. by the way do you have any cd's out?? if so let me know. i would like one. hmm well i hope hockey, your band, your girl friend and everything else is all going excellent. stop by my lj anytime you want. say hi sometime, let me know what's new with the stevester. lol just kidding about the stevester.have a good one.
i hate to get intellectual and ruin the mood, but my thought for today has been really deep. Ok so a really egotistical way to look at art (music, stenciling, paintings, sculpture, architechture, whatever...) is that for however long you have someone looking at your art, or listening to your song, you have absolute control over their mind and their though process. you can provoke thoughts, create emotion, and cause people to think a certain way. this is one of the most valuable things in human existance, cause free thought is what makes us who we are. so basically artists rule the world, and the people who are out making quality feature films have the most power over anybody because they have an hour and forty five minutes with your mind in their hands. so i dont know where to go with this, but um yeah i thought that was random enough.
Comments 19
seriously everyone, watch it or die
Who's there.
Not the twin towers.
we don't talk much anymore... and i don't hang out with ori a lot so i never see you. so how have you been lately?!
- julia.
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