Hey I got me an Ipod

Jan 29, 2006 14:19

I havent updated in awhile. So I will. Last night Megan and I had a girls night out. We started here and helped ourselves to some refreshments, then we headed to the Saloon and got some more refreshments. We then went bowling with Erika and her sister Mary. We got there and had to wait so Erika Megan and me went to The Other Place and had a few ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

emo_monkey January 29 2006, 22:57:19 UTC
sorry, i didn't really find it funny, but then again, i was busy thinking to myself, "the other place is in york? i guess that's like a nation-wide chain of bars? i don't think that i've heard of any nation-wide chain in the form of a bar."


lowercaseyou February 23 2006, 02:56:47 UTC
you haven't updated your journal in 15 years. that makes kt and i angry. update, asshole.


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