Day 53 - Wednesday
- Intro, M31 - Claire wakes up in his new room with no hangover, surprisingly. He's a bit disoriented though and spends a long moment reminiscing and recalling a dream he'd been having before remembering that he had been on a train and that there were supremely more important things he could be doing... like finding his future wife, for example! His nurse comes to fetch him and he decides to play along for now.
- Breakfast with Sakura Haruno (see_my_back), Cafeteria -- Claire sees waffles. Waffles persuade him to keep this Institute place in his interests for a bit longer. Then he finds himself a breakfast mate, a girl with pink hair! Sakura info-dumps him, Claire compliments her a lot, Sakura marvels at his ability to keep so calm and cheerful despite being dumped into what seems to be an asylum in an alternate-universe, and Claire just smiles, asks a lot of questions, and decides that this Landel guy would be very interesting to terrorize talk to.
- 2nd Shift with Kurt Wagner (fuzzy_diablo), Sun Room -- DROPPED
- Lunch with Michelangelo Hamato (hiddenbadass), Cafeteria -- DROPPED
- 4th Shift with Kuroba Kaito, Sun Room/Music Room (CANCELLED due to hiatus/slowatus failure on my part) - Since dear Vino here got caught trying to sneak out to explore the place, he decides to doze off in a corner for this shift in preparation for not sleeping this night so he can go find Landel and cause general chaos.
- Dinner with roommate Mello (swornandbroken), M31 - Introductions, Mello introduces himself as Morgan, Claire learns about modern batteries, MAGICAL BALLPOINT PENS, and various other things in his beginner's equipment at Landel's. Stuff.
Bulletin Posts:
These are in chronological order as they appear on the bulletin board comm, though not necessarily in the order that makes sense for Claire to have posted in. The reason why I'm going chronologically? Because I don't remember what exact order I posted Claire in. Fail on my part! Claire posted his message looking for Chane first though. Everything after that occurs mostly during 2nd shift. He spends 4th shift mostly reading and collecting information.
Okita's History Club - Claire's interest is sparked, but he asks for clarification and details before going in. Mun derps and fails to reply at the end due to hiatus/slowatus Claire loses interest in the end once Okita specifies that the club asks for group operation and teamwork -- something Claire is not so fond of doing. Plus, the name of the club is boring, so boo. He keeps this club in mind though.
Teen!Spidey gets a troll in reply to his second message! -- Claire expresses interest in strange, yet cool dreams, though really, he only replied because he could, not for any other reason.
Jungle!Claire gets a troll from Man!Claire~ - Claire likes symbols, yes he does.
Lunge gets a troll~ -- Self-explanatory.
Yuffie's CLOOOOOUUUUUUD -- Claire likes weird names, so he proceeds to ask about the meaning behind it. Then, he explains the meaning behind Rail Tracer to Yuffie, though he doesn't know her yet, and gives his first telling of the Rail Tracer legend since coming here.
Shikamaru's call for his mates -- Claire is trolling and this is part of his displayed interest in symbols and drawings on the board. He ends up talking to Temari, though Claire doesn't know this yet, and they establish that they both know Sakura and that Sakura is from the same world as Temari.
Claire's post looking for Chane -- Izaya Orihara replies and mentions someone who might have fit the description, but ends up not. Claire is invited to consult Izaya for information in the future should he need it. Much later on, a note in reply to one of Izaya's posts appears, though it doesn't say much of anything and Claire, by this point, has stopped spamming the bulletin board so does not reply to this post.
Note: Claire signs his post as Rail Tracer and proceeds to write all of his bulletin posts in the same crazy handwriting he used for this one. As it was posted in the middle of the board over all the other posts, it's hard to miss and can be easily matched to all his other responses that are unsigned.
Amaterasu's adorable post about human affection -- In which Claire attempts to clarify but really only makes himself out as unique. Shikamaru notices his interest in symbols.
Ritsuka's post -- Claire responds to Ritsuka's call for help in rescuing patients, though all he succeeds in doing is pissing off Ritsuka and lecturing his twisted sense of justice to a twelve-year-old with a better moral fiber than Claire has. :/
Claire has seen a map and has miraculously not stolen it, but now he can reference this during NS Night 53
(Filled with so much mun-fail, RL, hiatus/slowatus, and holiday-times that much of this is handwaved. YAY?! /shame)
Important Notes: Claire takes his flashlight and
Day 54 - Thursday
Night 54
Day 55 - Friday
Night 55
Day 56 - Saturday
Night 56
Day 57 - Sunday
Bulletin Posts
S.T.'s map posting -- Claire has stolen these! Handy!
Night 57
Day 58 - Monday
- Breakfast with Firo Prochainezo (immortale), Cafeteria -- BACKTHREADING; Claire catches up with his childhood friend at breakfast and bounces a few ideas off him. Namely, the concept of prioritizing and how one might do this. Mostly, Claire just succeeds in confusing Firo. They talk about the soldiers, interrogation, exchange room numbers, and eventually get to the topic of their "real" names at the Institute. Which leads to the inevitable conversation about their differing timelines.
- 2nd Shift, Showers --> Sun Room -- Skipped; Claire showers and naps.
- Lunch with Neku Sakuraba (composers_proxy), Cafeteria -- Claire finds the kid who had attacked him a few nights ago and talks to him, probably thoroughly weirding him out. Shows off the lightning burn scar he got from Neku, as well. Neku offers to heal him up that night. Claire is curious, because... magical healing ability! Awesome! They agree to meet at Main Hallway, 1-Center, in front of the Sun Room.
- 4th Shift with Mikado Ryuugamine (ofthemotions), Arts & Crafts Room -- Claire bumps into Mikado and makes his day even more terrible decides the kid is endearing. Mikado recognizes Claire Stanfield as a character from Baccano! They proceed to attempt to get past introductions for something like 14+ comments. It doesn't quite work. Along the way, the 4th wall threatens to break, Claire finds out that he can't pronounce Japanese names, and Mikado mentally keysmashes all the way through. Claire's just overly excited. No surprise there. Mikado is now known as 'Micky.' (Nickname courtesy of Javits. c: )
- Dinner with Battler Ushiromiya (dreadofthegrave), M3 -- Claire walks in to his new roommate being administered a syringe of something against his will. Claire introduces himself and asks what just happened. He was unable to prevent anything from happening, due to his late arrival.
Night 58
West Wing, Hall 1-A.
Important Notes: Claire originally had made plans to meet up with Neku (
composers_proxy) at Main Hallway, 1-Center, but Neku doesn't show up (due to being zombie-fied by the Drug Trials). So Claire leaves to go upstairs and resume exploring the west end of the building there, but gets trapped in a hallway with Stefan Salvatore (
broodings) and two monsters (a lucentien and a lurcher). Son Goku (
boketa) joins the fight later.
Claire has his handrail that he'd stolen from the Medical Wing bathroom last night, and the gun from Mello in his pocket. He also has the map stolen from S.T. on the bulletin board yesterday. Aside from that, he just has his flashlight, no radio this time.
From the monster fight, Claire's most severe injury (currently) is a left shoulder wound, in the muscle above his collarbone.
Day 59 - Tuesday
- Breakfast with Taura (ninelivesonce), Cafeteria -- Claire meets Taura and they discuss and theorize about some of what the military is up to, that Intercom announcement from the night before and what it might mean and what they might be able to do about it. Claire finds it a rather engaging conversation, and also finds Taura an interesting person, as well. He probably wouldn't mind getting to talk with her more in the future.
- 2nd Shift with Sakura Haruno (see_my_back), Library -- Claire meets up with Miss Sakura again for the first time in nearly a week to catch up.
- Lunch with Sai (tsunagari), Cafeteria -- It isn't fair! Claire's new messmate has tacos! Even if he's already gotten used to the fact that he's going to have to settle for pink gruel, it still isn't fair at all! In any case, Claire realizes that Sai has been here at the Institute for a longer time than most people, so he asks him some questions about things.
- 4th Shift -- SKIPPED to save myself sanity. Claire takes a nap.
- Dinner -- No roommate, so posted as closed; Claire goes back to his room to find that his roommate is missing, but after a brief wonder as to his whereabouts, he downs his dinner, and then prepares for the night.
Bulletin Posts
Nigredo's anonymous note asking for recommendations for paper books -- Claire recommends Peter Pan since it's his favorite book. In his stalking of the replies to this post, Claire finds the word 'digital' and asks the anonymous Nigredo about it. He receives a long explanation that basically concludes simply with, again, MAGIC. Nigredo provides Claire with a list of materials he would need in order to bring this digital technology to Landel's. Being who he is, Claire might just... attempt to gather these materials. :|
Utena's Call for a Basement Group -- Claire responds because this is the first he's heard of the existence of a basement. The bulletin conversation leads to talk about Utena's portal ring and Claire's subsequent interest in it (because MAGIC), then to talk about joining the basement group. Claire accepts for tonight.
S.T.'s daily map postings -- That Claire stole a couple days ago. Whoops. At least he remembers to apologize and say he won't do it again. And then he offers to help fill in the map's blank spots, after writing in the location of the Medical Ward (Medical Wing).
Firo's post asking if anyone's seen Ennis -- Claire, of course, has forgotten who this 'Ennis' is. So he asks. :| And then flails about monsters for a bit before declaring that it would take too long to write down all his epic adventures with monsters from last night. And then steals Nigredo's pages of notes on ~*magical technology*~ and shows it to Firo. They agree to talk later.
Mikado's call for the Dollars -- Claire just wonders why it's called by American currency. It's certainly an intriguing name, and the concept of the club is certainly interesting and appealing to someone like him. He'll have to consider it.
Night 59
M-A Block Hallway;
West-Wing, South Hall 1-A;
Main Hallway, 1-Center (where he is set to meet Neku);
Main Hallway, 1-West (monster thread with basement group and meeting point);
Important Notes: There is an event for the end of the military arc. Everyone gets their powers back, not that it matters a whit for Claire here, but the important bit are that monsters are everywhere and are attacking patients all over the place. Obviously, Claire's going to have a field day with this. He goes out to 1-Center to meet with Neku (
composers_proxy), gets healed, then heads over to 1-West to meet with Utena's basement group. There he finds Utena (
roseoverture) and Aigis (
no_dont_go) there, fighting a pack of necrits (not that he knows they're called necrits). He joins in, recognizing Utena from her description on the bulletin board.
Day 60
Bulletin Posts
Claire's notes for Utena and Firo -- Claire makes a note asking for members of his basement crew from last night. His second note is addressed to Firo about why he was distracted and couldn't go and find him last night. And about how he wants to talk at him about his newest adventures.