it's nearly 2:30 am

Sep 24, 2007 02:17

I should have been in bed hours ago. but it's okay I was poetically productive.

fund a mental symbolic n eg ation

- + are born
egg or chicken
proto plasm pool
sex and death
the sacrifice for
passing on
oneself, identity
one self, not other
the stronger

the weakest in and of itself
but known by no other
lost beyond all possible
existence in recognition.
pre- discursive
but extra- even after
discursively appropriated

A universe is moved by math
Which man cannot understand
But is balanced by the binary
of positive and negative
following a pattern infinite
incomprehensible, labeled chaos

numbered 1st nature
the it cannot lie
outside the object order
second nature lettered
by a subjective symbol
overflowed emotionally
spontaneous, continuous
eternally instantaneous.
all exceeds the I

first mimesis eyes make visual
pictoral mental symbols
second mimesis mouths make
social linguistic mental symbol
l iterally a step
removed from the root
again and again
symbolicly arranged
obscured and freshened.

all exceeds the end

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