(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 09:33

I live with crazy people.

My dad is so silly. He kept making fun of me when we lost to Liverpool and made really funny comments.
Funny comment #01:
"Did you know they called Ashley Cole 'Cashley Cole'?"
*brother and I look at each other amused*
"Yeah, pa, they've been calling him that ever since he moved to Chelsea"
"Oh...I just found out yesterday from the papers"

Funny comment #02:
"That Mascherano is a dirty fellow"
"Why is he dirty? He's a crazy tackler!"
"He doesn't like to bathe, that's why he dirty-looking"
"Ma, he's not dirty-looking like Mido"
*5 minutes later*
"Mascherano is the guy who head-butted Zidane, right?"
*brother and I exchange amused glances again*
"No, pa. That's Materazzi and he lives in Italy"
"Poor Mascherano, just because his name rhymes with 'dirty fellow', you accuse him of something he didn't do"

My brother is lame.
He wanted to use my laptop yesterday, so I gave it to him without signing out of my Hotmail account.
"Eh, what is this?"
*points to all the David Cook mails*
"David Cook is sending you mails? Wow...I'm impressed"

My cousin threw an open house party for Hari Raya and she gave me 'duit raya'. I got in the car and opened the little green packet and saw that it was empty! Seriously got punk'd there. My mother being the awesome person that she is, she gave me RM10 because she didn't want me to be sad.

Crazy people, and I wonder why I even question my sanity.
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