Yes, Hurricane Katrina was a terrible storm. (That's all the agreement you get.) Oo, so what if you consider me an asshole for saying it, but I don't care. (Stunning topic line! English teacher, be proud!) Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Yes, people are dying. But, beggin' your pardon, don't people die all the time? What the hell difference does it make if they die in a car wreck, of a heart attack, or by drowning? There is nothing we can do about this. And nothing I'd particularly care to do. People were not meant to live forever. People were meant to die, and this is just Nature's way of evening the odds out a bit.
Say, what was the death toll anyways? Whatever it is isn't nearly enough. (What a careless way to treat human life, oh boo hoo hoo.) Because, seriously. A species that would rather steal useless articles made of bits of metal and plastic and glass than either help or kill those in suffering is a species that does not deserve to survive.
And yet! Even though this awful loss of human life (blah blah blah) is bad, the looting worse, the raise in gas prices is even worse. The oil companies don't need to charge a $1.34 a liter (LITER! NOT GALLON!) right now. I'm sure they have more than enough oil to make it through this 'catastrophe'. So, who's worse? The person bitching about the outrageous fucking gas prices, or the person(s) in charge who're making use of this opportunity to get rich? (Well, I don't know, but I wish to fuck I had some stock in a gas company right now.)
BY the way, telling yourself I'm not a bad person isn't going to help you soothe your fragile psyche. I AM a bad person. Whereas some goodhearted, charity minded citizen is running off to donate blood or money, I can only sit at home and wish that the death toll was higher.
You heard me. I did not stutter, I did not say this in a black rage. I am a bad person, I hate the human race, and I wish more of the species would drop dead. Any way possible. Terrorist attacks, tsunamis, hurricanes.
So. See you in about three months then, Mel. As for anyone else who read this and got offended and now does not want to talk to me any more (oh boo hoo, what a horrible thing.), chances are pretty good that you and I never got along anyways. Pick up your severence pay in two weeks and get the hell out of my life, like.
Oh, I'm so going to offend people now. Oh well. That is life. I do not care.