Oh Gresham! You've done it again!

Jan 12, 2005 09:34

So, I was shopping for work at Winco the other day, the one on 102nd and Glisan which I guess isn't technically Gresham, but its close enough.
Anyway, mistake number one on my part was waiting until Sunday evening to do grocery shopping, the store was a madhouse, I was already about to lose it when I was finally in line. My cashier, who I'm sure is a nice person despite her ignorance, was talking about the tsunami, but either couldn't pronounce it right, or never bothered to learn that its was actually called a "tsunami" not a "Tatsumi" as she kept saying. Anyway, she was talking to the woman in line i front of me about how horrible the "tatsumi" was and the woman in front of my said "Oh, I know. And isn't it strange how those disasters happen in countries like that and all the [Third-World countries] are in places where most people aren't Christian? I mean, is that a coincidence." As if this weren't bad enough, while this was going on this asshole in the lane next to me was there with his stupid wife and their baby (who I'm sure is not stupid yet, but due to unfortnate circumstances, will probably become stupid in a few years). So this guy is reading the front page of the "Weekly World News" out loud. You know, the ridiculous "newspaper" that has cover stories like "President Clinton Meets with Alien" etc.? Anyway, the lovely cover this week has two skeletons holding hands and the headline reads "First Humans Were Gay Couple!" Well, Mr. Assface thought that this was about the funniest thing ever and then he goes "Ha ha! First humans were gay couple! Ha ha! I bet they died of AIDS! hahahahaha!"
That did it. Ever seen a faggot go postal in the Winco? Its not pretty.
I caught his eye with my dagger stare which stopped him mid-laugh. I asked him loudly so anyone within 50 feet could hear "Oh so, you think that's funny, do you? You think dying of AIDS is funny, huh?! Oh my god, sooooo hilarious! DYING OF AIDS! I've never heard anything so funny in my fucking life! HA! HA! HA!" It was like one of those movies where something crazy happens at the party and the music screeches to a halt. I think one of the security guards wanted to say something, but was too stunned/knew better to do anything. Anyway, Mr. Assface certainly wanted to say something, but before he could get one more word out of his ignorant mouth, I put my hand up in fabulous faggot fashion and said "You know what, you're done. You've said what you've had to say and that's it. Because of your ignorant, hateful comment, I'm going to guess that, fortunately for you, you've never had anyone close to you die of AIDS, so let me tell you something. Its not funny. Dying of AIDS is a lot of things, but "funny" is definately not one of them and all I have left to say to you is that I feel sorry you and I feel sorry for your fucking wife and I feel especially sorry for your fucking baby." This whole time people for the next four lanes were staring, and my cashier, remember her, "Ms. Tatsumi," was scanning my items as quickly as possible. On my way out, I made sure to tell her to have a nice day.
Yet another exciting day in Gresham. ahhhh.
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