Title: The Best Kind of Corruption (Super Junior Has It)
Fandom: SHINee/Super Junior
Pairing: Onew/Key
Rating: PG
Word Count: 890
Summary: Not all adults are responsible.
Notes: It’s ridiculous, and there isn’t really a plot. It amuses me greatly though. This is kind of a follow up to Unfortunate Boys.
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Comments 30
(well, they can't be on the right track anyway... XD)
That was really funny, you made my day :P
(No, especially not with the role models they have.)
I'm glad it was amusing.
“Aren’t you excited to grow up?” the older, but only biologically, man asks
DIES, so true.
and mostly because Yesung… is older than him and therefore he must respect him. It’s hard, but Onew manages.
It must be difficult to act all respectful when Yehsung doesn't act particularly... dignified. :|
Unfortunately, they have been catching the looks he throws in Key’s direction. They tell him so, and he thinks it is unfair that he will no longer be able to look at Key straight again after the ‘helpful suggestions’ they gave him.
Dies. Ninja Onkey? Sungmin is a sneaky bastard.
And Hyukhae teaching Taemin sexy dancing = YES.
XDD Kangin is like a giant child. <3 In the very best of ways.
Yesung is a giant bucket of fail, so I find it hard to believe anyone really respects him as an adult. Singer? Yes. Mature adult? Not so much.
Ninja Onkey FTW. Sungmin is a sneaky bastard, and I love him for it. <3
Hyukhae would definitely corrupt Taemin. I find it amusing.
Thank you for commenting!
I just can't get enough of the part where eunhae was teaching/corrupting taemin!!! omg. I love those two dorks!(and i miss them sooooo much too!T_T) XD
Kibum and Minho are definitely going to be bffs.I could imagine them doing their silent communication. Probably about immature bandmates hahahaha!
Oh and onew, poor you~people don't give you respect!They are too busy in their own crazy world, and the hyungs are not helping. Hahahah! This fic had me smiling like an idiot at 3 am.
Minho and Kibum would definitely use thier silent communication to make fun of their immature bandmates.
Onew recieves no respect! Ever! I think it appropriate that you read this at three am, because that was what time I wrote it at. XD
Yup it is only fitting that I read this at 3 am too!XDD
*appreciates your laughter*
*revives you*
Yay! I'm just that awesome.
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