Leave a list of fictional characters in your journal that you would love to get a message from. It is your friend-list's mission, should they choose to accept it, to write you an in-character message in the comments of this entry. Then they post their own list in their journal and the process continues!1. Simon Tam
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Comments 7
...What're you doing Friday night?
So, tell me honestly - P&P. Best piece English lit' ever or what?
Hold on got a customer....
Hey it's Reno. I hijacked the laptop to make sure that Darro wasn't boring you to death and yup, I was right, he is. Listen, the best way to go with Darro is get him talking buisiness. I'm gonna set him up with an LJ account and I will MAKE him update the damn thing. Lots of comments about the bar and how things are going with the pack would be great.
Shit, here he comes gotta go.
Ok I'm back, I see Reno jumped in here while I was gone but he won't let me move back up to read everything he said. Guess I'm going to be learning how to surf the web after all. I don't know much of anything about computers, I much prefer the feel of a pencil and paper.
Well we're getting busy, gotta run, later.
I make a wet dog smell good.
War Journal entry 2213: Bloody dry cleaning was rediculous! I don't know how these people sleep at night.
War Journal entry 2216: Spent the last two hours manipulating the pigeons shit all of this rich guy's new Beemer. (Shouldn't have cut me off earlier the twit) Was bloody brilliant. I love being able plant little ideas like that in their little minds. May try for dogs pissing on tires next.
War Journal entry 2219: Four days with no work.....Need a good apcolypse so I can rake in the dough. Rent's overdue again.
By the way, could you maybe put in a good word with Eve for me? ;)
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