I did a big re-watch of Supernatural over the Christmas Holidays and man did I enjoy it! I'm feeling an affection for the show that is only surpassed by my obsession with Buffy.
My sister only recently got into Supernatural, so for Christmas I customised some Ken Dolls into Sam and Dean for her. I made a display box and accessories out of Fimo (bag of salt, colt, ruby's knife, computer, Dean's amulet, hex bags and journal), and I made them coats (though sewing is not a strong point for me). She loved it. Here is a picture:
It was such fun to do and inspired me to watch the series over again. So many fantastic episodes! Season six broke my heart. In a good kind of way. How much more can Dean Winchester take? When I first watched it on television I probably found all the Angel stuff a bit tiresome but I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very poignant on the re-watch. It's funny how that can happen sometimes. I was thinking about Dean ('cos I really love the character) and came up with this to kind of express all the loss and baggage this guy is carrying around:
I really think that something has got to give and that Dean is nearing breaking point. I wonder what will be the straw that breaks the camels back? I must admit that I'm a bit of a fan of the Dean and Lisa story. I really hope we revisit that somewhere down the line because I hate mind wipe stories that don't get resolved. It's such a violation to have someone else arbitrarily decide to remove memories and thoughts and experiences. I love Dean, but I don't want him to get away with this. I don't mind the loss of Cas. I found the loss of Bobby very sad - though I'm yet to be convinced that he is gone for good (in Australia we have only just had Death's Door. Adventures in Babysitting is on Monday night). Lastly, all this watching Supernatural has made me fall in love with mullet rock. So I made a playlist :)
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http://www.mediafire.com/?43ewyupuahg08#myfiles or zipfile: