I've been listening to the Meteors, again.

Feb 20, 2007 14:54

1. Where is your cell phone? Six inches from my left hand. Waiting for a call.
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Which? I have six.
3. Your hair? Is soft, beautiful, and manly.
4. Your favorite thing? Nostalgia-flavored witticisms.
5. Your dream last night? I think it had to do with a car ride, my mother, and my debate captain.
6. Your favorite drink? Pomegrante green tea or really strong ginger beer.
7. Your dream car? Ford Taurus. Hatchback.
8. The room you're in? Dorm: it's spiffy.
9. Your ex? Haha. My mother makes fun of me.
10. Your fear? Sparks. It's the weirdest thing. I'll never forgive Alex Mann.
11. What do you want to be in 10 years? A gigantic, omniscient walrus that the masses pray to for forgiveness and inspiration.
12. Who did you hang out with last night? Bill, sort of. I mostly slept and read, though.
13. What you're not? A god damn hippie. Got it?
14. Muffins? I steal them from TDR, forget them in my backpak and then wind up eating these smashed little patties of freshbaked goodness in my literature class. Haha.
15. One of your wish list items? Those military grade stilts. Those are so fucking cool.
16. Where you grew up? In closets, hiding between clothes and wondering if my brother would find me.
17. The last thing you did? Scored a heroic victory in the Battle of Trebia. On Very Difficult, no less.
18. What are you wearing? A snot-stained sweatshirt and shitty jeans. (Shitty jeans always reminds me of incontinence, which reminds me of Artistotle, which reminds me of beastiality.)
19. TV? Ah, I watched some DS9. Yeah. I don't really pay attention, I mostly just turn it on to keep up the image.
20. Your pet? Furry and happy and fat. And with silly names.
21. Your computer? Covered in political stickers and faded Dali prints. It's pretty bitchin', but I wish for a better video card.
22. Your life? I desperately want to write my memoirs. They'll be better than Stendhal's, and his were fucking great.
23. Your mood? Average. Hilltop Hoods is bringing me up, though.
24. Missing? My childhood, but mostly the days when I could just be weird without eliciting too many stares for comfort. Or, rather, when I didn't notice people staring.
25. What are you thinking about right now? Lenders and cream soda and that waitress! Ah, now I want french toast.
26. Your car? Well, I don't even have a license. But my grandmother's going to give me her FIT when she's done with it, so score.
27. Your work? Relentlessly cool. It's like smoking a pipe, wearing a fedora, and the worrd "pips" all rolled into one.
28. Your summer? Looks fucking exciting. But that's assuming I'm abducted. Or wrapped up in some assassination plot. Otherwise it'll be just sorta...great.
29. Your relationship status? Cult leader.
30. Your favorite color? White.
31. When is the last time you laughed? Bill attacked me with a vagina and I laughed nervously.
32. Last time you cried? Honest tears? Ah, about two weeks ago. Otherwise, like, ten minutes ago. I need glasses or something.
33. School? I'm annoyed with teachers who lecture for 45 minutes and then "let us out early" every day. I'm also annoyed with teachers who know less than I do.

(17:06:15) Carl: So, I was taking an oral practice test with my japanese professor
(17:06:27) Carl: And we're talking about things I like
(17:06:32) Carl: And she asks me if I like pizza
(17:06:43) Carl: And I don't really care either way, so I ask her, what kind of pizza in particular
(17:06:50) Carl: And she says goat cheese and lobster tail
(17:06:59) Peter Yakovlev: haha damn
(17:07:00) Carl: And I say whoa, that sounds really good, I'd love that.
(17:07:07) Carl: And she says I used to make it when I was in japan
(17:07:11) Carl: And I say man, that's cool
(17:07:16) Carl: And she says, I'll make you some sometime.
(17:07:20) Carl: And I say, what, really?
(17:07:24) Carl: And she says, Of course! I have a sepcial recipie!
(17:07:26) Carl: And now
(17:07:27) Carl: I get
(17:07:31) Carl: lobster and goat cheese pizza
(17:07:35) Carl: I'm so exciteddd
(17:07:41) Peter Yakovlev: lucky bastard
(17:07:42) Peter Yakovlev: :P

My life is perfect, now.
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