There is a point, Sakura decided, Where directions are useless if there's no consistent measurement of distance. She felt she'd reached this point, stepping out of the main walkway and up onto a semi-clear platform lining this part of the road. By what she could figure, she should have arrived at this particular bookseller by now, but she still
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"I know in the age of modern technology, you're not gonna find a lot of people like me, so I can get that the spiel works more often that not. But you're still not going to fool anyone who actually plans on using this."
Stepping up to the booth, she looked over at the haggler. "How much is he asking for it?"
"Listen kid, I don't know how it is on your planet, but on this one. I gotta make a livin'." Said the dealer, chewing on a cigar.
"By ridiculously overcharging on pieces of junk?"
It was certainly at least possible that she had. "Guaranteed operational, too."
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