With enough diligence and care, Starfire firmly believed, it was possible to learn most any skill. She wasn't always as firm with herself as she needed to be about learning things such as preparing palatable food for her crewmates, correctly understanding English idioms, or backing away when someone needed to be cheered up, but for a friend?
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...Then again when it came to building things with Lash maybe it wasn't really luck at all. Especially when she was younger than normal. R.I.P. Peter's car.
The wunderkind's voice echoed in the hanger.
"What chu do'n?"
Put your foot down Starfire. Before it's too late! Lash was already reaching for the container...
"But he will be very satisfied with a flying car!" she finally decided, floating over to pluck the container. "We do not need to replace everything. He will be returning home soon."
"W-what? No cool washing window spiders?" If you ever wanted a wunderkind to sound disappointed...
There there, Lash, it's okay. They have something even more important to work on! "Let us install the new engines!"
...did that work? Come on. It's gotta.
Uh oh. Here it came. Lash's greatest weapon when dealing with these situations...
"...are you really, really, REALLY sure?"
"Very well, you may construct the spiders. But be sure that they are durable!"
With that said, Starfire began laser-focusing her powers to weld in a few parts. She trusted Lash not to create too much trouble.
She was already sketching out ideas in her dream book. If she gave them only five legs, they wouldn't look exactly like spiders, but they could move a lot faster across the glass. Some sticky material to hold on and not slide even when applying cleaning fluid and....
"Maybe if I gave them a laser to zap away any bugs that got stuck on the windshield..."
Starfire's legs kicked up as she worked inside the engine, tinkering and laser-shooting here and there. What? It was efficient.
Absolutely Genius.
She stopped sketching to start grabbing parts of the discarded engine parts, going back to her own toolbox for all her pre-made parts.
"I can probably do this really easily!" She moved over to where Starfire was working. "Hey, not bad!" A compliment! Savor them while you could.
She giggled, getting right back to work on her end of the car. "Though I also hope he does not try to offer rides to arachnophobic people. That could end very badly."
Why bother with the jack when you can do the heavy lifting yourself? It's so much easier. Starfire giggled, doing one last welding check before glancing over the engines and the area. They were good to install the first few components.
She eagerly followed Lash's lead on this project, picking up and testing various pieces. No, not those, they were dangerous---the next plugs. There.
"Sooooooooooo...why are you taking all this effort to make him a car anyway?" Lash let the last word linger on a little bit longer than the others.
"Peter's car was very important to him. He was forced to sell its remains on XaXing when the car was hijacked and involved in a crash, and this upset him greatly. We had an argument in the aftermath, and I wish to make things right."
That was all, really. He mattered to her that much.
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