It had come to her just a few days after returning to normal. Why not have a beach party? ...Well alright, her first thought had been 'why not have a war party' but then she wisely realized that not everyone would enjoy something like that. But everyone had enjoyed the time they had spent on the beach a year ago! ...At least until the Ohm came and
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After all this talk with both Ronnae and Starfire, Lash had discovered something far more interesting. She now had a sudden curiosity as what the other girls thought of all the guys on the beach. If anything, watching some of them fumble would be really fun, so after many of the activities were done, she had gathered some of them underneath the parasols just so they could talk in chairs, sipping drinks. Welcome to the wonderful world of teengirl gossip Lash, you were six years to late. Now to make up for it!
"So..." she trailed off with a grin. "Who looks the worst in a swimsuit today in all the guys?" And of course, she was going to do this all wrong. Someone please correct her.
"So... yes? If ranking's kind of subjective all around."
"Then I guess we should just look at a few guys and see what everyone thinks." Zetta was the best looking in her mind anyway. Not biased or anything.
"Let's start with him."
Sorry, totally didn't see anyone walking by.
"He is a blacksmith. Lither than I would expect, but...very, very happy. I am sure that his mate loves his smile."
So with one of the many many many strawberry themed drinks she had that day, she sat idly, looking thoughtful as she listened to the girls.
"I don't know... He jus' looks like a normal human boy to me. I second the cute smile tho."
She lifted her head and blinked, before responding casually behind the popsicle.
"Hiccup? I can call him over and have him dance if it's entertainment you're looking for."
That-that wasn't how this works, Astrid.
... Yeah.
"Since you seem to think Kang deserved a recount," from her one offhand pointed comment that got lost somewhere in the sea of Lash's hair, "Thoughts on him?"
Among people who went for draconians, that is. In her imagination, Fonrar would have a long line of male tails to kick.
Even as a half orc Ronnie has orc priorities it seemed.
Ino would have gotten the idea, and it would have worked as a springboard for Sakura. She didn't think a lot about bodies in this context, if she did register people as attractive, or unattractive. It hadn't been a priority of hers for years, and even when it had? Most of that had been focused on one person.
"Something like pointing out how well put together Kang is, or I don't know, how his wings are weirdly appealing." She had no idea; Kang was not only a member of a different species, she'd failed out of this past Sasuke. And they'd never rated each other in bathing suits -- they'd all been eleven! Swooning over hair and glances sent their way...
She felt really young right then. "Physical attractiveness."
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