It had taken a while, but Lash had managed to get Dog back down to a proper weight. That, or the caterpillar-dog alien greenish hybrid...thing had decided that on his own. Either way, she would claim victory and her great animal carrying skills. The mutt was moving along on all sixteen of its feet, Lash walking him around the ship. She had wisely decided to make make him a collar so she wouldn't loose her pet, but now realized that the beast was getting a lot stronger than she gave him credit for. At times it almost seemed like he was walking her than vice-versa.
Especially when they got to the hydroponics. The creature stood upright in the fields, its antenna looking around, before barking excitedly and bolting off in a direction, dragging the poor girl behind him.
"-Hey! Wait!"
It arrived a few minutes later, the girl and Dog arrived to where Snowspot was, as the creature barked excitedly at the cat, his tail wagging.
Especially when they got to the hydroponics. The creature stood upright in the fields, its antenna looking around, before barking excitedly and bolting off in a direction, dragging the poor girl behind him.
"-Hey! Wait!"
It arrived a few minutes later, the girl and Dog arrived to where Snowspot was, as the creature barked excitedly at the cat, his tail wagging.
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