Avani is always watching.
Avani is always judging.
Avani rewards the faithful.
We will love Avani.
We will serve Avani.
We will honor Avani.
We are the chosen children.
Avani will liberate us.
- Prayer to Avani, as preached by Mother Reda of Avania III, Orya
Previous Plot Post Here Welcome to Galileo’s Burden, yet another crazy GG Plot Production (tm). This plot is scheduled to run from May 14th to approximately the next two weeks, ending somewhere around May 25th-though that’s an estimated date, as I like to keep things moving to keep everything from becoming too stale.
Here’s a vague outline of the sections of the plot, so you know what to expect. Plot is divided into two main sections, Alpha and Beta, with an interlude, OMG, in the middle.
STAGE ALPHA: May 14th/15th-May 18th/19th (appx)
Stage Alpha begins on Sunday, May 15th... or rather, late at night on the 14th because I’m impatient.
The crew’s scientists and researchers (known from here on out as the Nerd Herd) travels down planetside to Orya and spends about a week helping out the villagers, their main intent to study and cure the disease Galileo’s Burden, which is sickening some of the population. This is the Peace Corps-y section of the plot and will be basically freeform. Your characters are free to do whatever you see fit for them to do in the village, shenanigans, science CR, etc. You’re free to NPC as many Oryans as you need for whatever (diplomatic, non-fatal) purpose you need-the only exception is the Oryans’ spiritual leader, Mother Reda, who I will be playing as needed.
I leave the “end” date flexible on this because I like to keep my plots moving. As soon as there’s some stagnation during this section, I’ll start pushing things along into Stage Beta. Backdating is always just fine and dandy and I’ll put up a few “prompts” for your characters to participate in, though like I said, you’re free to make up your own scenarios and situations for this part.
So far, the participants in this section of the plot are:
Dr. Luis Sera (Leader)
Dr. Scarlet Levy
Dr. Faiza Hussein
Billy Cranston
Peter Parker
Eleventh Doctor
Fletcher Tringham
Dr. Daniel Jackson
Dr. McNinja
Sofia (official bodyguard to Nerd Herd)
If you have any questions about this stage, or if you’d like to include one of your characters at the last minute, PLEASE let me know here.
Of course things aren’t going to go precisely as planned. While living among the technology-deficient Oryans, the Nerd Herd will be left vulnerable and during Stage OMG, get taken hostage by an as-yet unknown party. They will then spend some quality time locked up with power-nullifiers in a dark cave, trying to figure out their next move.
Nerd Herd players, don’t worry, your characters will not be hurt or maimed without your express permission, though they will all be in some pretty perilous... peril.
I still won’t give most of the details about this part until the big reveal, but now you know why the action types will be necessary later on.
Stage OMG will take place following the end of Stage Alpha, which is whenever I say it is (but probably around the middle of next week.)
Darn scientists, always getting their asses kidnapped... In Stage Beta, the rest of Stacy’s crew will gear up a rescue mission to recover the Nerd Herd before the worst can happen. Action type characters will be needed during this part, so sign up on this post if you’d like to be part of the rescue efforts. If you would like to be a part of the diplomatic events, sign up on this post!
In the interest of keeping things moving, we’ll shoot for around 10-12 action/diplomatic characters for the rescue effort, though that is a flexible number and I’m always willing to work stuff out. Please keep it to one character per player on either side of events-one rescuer and one nerd is just fine, but don’t throw your entire roster into the rescue, for the sake of timely participation.
The fighting in this section will not exactly be straightforward. There are fights to be had, but a big tweest will add a heavy moral/ethical bent to the rescue efforts and the crew will have some tough decisions to make.
Meanwhile, back in a cave somewhere, the Nerd Herd will have to build stuff with a box of scraps do their part to try to worm their way out of the compound where they’re being held. Improvised heroics! Clever problem solving! SCIENCE!
If you have any broad questions about this section, this post is the place to ask them!
And that’s the basics of things. When Stage Alpha goes up on Saturday/Sunday, I’ll post some more information about the setting and such as well as more detailed information about events and stuff for you to do. If you have any ideas or questions, feel free to use this post to run them by me, and you can also always hit up my AIM at FullArmoredGG or shoot me a PM on Luis’ journal too.
Stay thirsty, my friends.