Oh, man, I nearly overheated in the car today driving the five minutes to work. I think I know how a slow-roasted chicken feel.
Of course, when I got there, turns out that not only a) the staff meeting is, in fact, tomorrow, and b) if it had been today, I would have been a half-hour late.
Rock on.
God, I am so sleepy. I think I might need to take a nap before I go hiking. Which I have been again, yay! May’s coming along today, too. Yesterday someone left free organic pears from their tree at the entrance to Open Space. I love hikers.
I have this ring I wear every day that has recently become a bit too small for me, and I’m starting to get one of those grooves of skin where it’s all smooth and almost looks like a mild burn after it’s healed. I wonder if that means I should stop wearing it. Hmmm. I do really like it (well, duh, I wear it every day), so I probably won’t. Maybe more hiking is in order.
Have you guys ever re-read a childhood favorite and been really disappointed when it didn’t live up to expectation? That’s how I’m feeling with Madeleine L’Engle right now. I just loved those books so I much when I was younger, but so far... her writing style is just not working for me. I still like the universe and characters, but I guess my taste in prose has really changed. (Well, not surprising, considering how long ago I first read these books.)
Geeze, come to think of it, I’m going to be 22 in just over two weeks. My birthday always manages to sneak up on me. I’d like to have a party but am also incredibly lazy when it comes to calling people, etc. Who all is free to hang out on the 7th?
Also, completely unrelated, but I meant to mention that I deleted my fandom filter from this journal. I decided (yeah, I keep going back and forth on these things, don’t I? I just cannot stop the desperate need for speed organization) that it’d be easier to make
trascendenza my primary fan journal. All my writing is going in a community called
trans_literate; some of my (bad) original writing will be locked to community members, but some will be public.
I also took off the quotes filter (since there are more writers over at my fan journal I’ll probably post them there) and the memes one, merged two filters together, and added two new ones.
Granted, I’m not really using the filters at the moment, since I’m not updating too much, but if I ever start up with my three-posts-at-a-time spree updating again, I will.
You know what time it is:
Poll Filters These will always be posted
here, too.
1) Day-to-day/Real Life
Entries about what I’ve done during the day, school, work, my friends.
2) Food, or, The Ramblings of a Nutty Vegan with Raw Inclinations
Recipes, pictures of meals, raving about food, vegan/vegetarian/raw food philosophizing, etc.
3) My Emotional State
Where I’ll probably talk about attachment, fears, hopes, triggers, my emotional journey on the path to motorcycle maintenance. (Or maybe enlightenment. Whichever comes first.)
4) Lizards/etc.
Includes raving about how cute my lizards (and possibly tarantula and cockroach) are, stories about cute things they’ve done, and picspams of them. Also potential to rave about other lizards and reptiles I come across in my travels.
5) Eco and Spiritual Fun
Ecological issues, articles, rants, gardening, farming, permaculture, etc. Also things like astrology, past lives, power animals, as well as things like morphogenetic fields and the nature of life/reality/my elbows.
6) Sexual(ity) Issues
I can be pretty damn explicit and really honest about my own sexuality in a way that I know not everyone’s comfortable with. I’m also very passionate about sexual issues and have been known to go on about those for awhile.
And now it’s quite possibly nap time.
Edited to add: Those of you I took off my friends list, I did so under the assumption that you’re not interested in my personal life. If I removed anyone in error, just let me know!