10 Year Anniversary Celebration!

Aug 19, 2007 17:36

Dear Friends:

On Saturday, August 25, 2007, at 12 p.m., TransGender Michigan will be hosting our annual TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival, which will be held in celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary and Transgender Awareness Day at Geary Park in Ferndale. We at TransGender Michigan are seeking sponsors from across the state to support us in this yearly endeavor of celebrating transgender identity and accomplishments. Enclosed is an outline of the sponsorship opportunities and the benefits awarded to each generous sponsor.

I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued support of the transgender community. We at TransGender Michigan have certainly appreciated all that you've done for our community throughout the years, and we hope that you will continue to show your commitment by sponsoring this year's TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival. I thank you in advance for your generosity.

If you have questions about TransGender Michigan or about TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival, please do not hesitate to call me at 517-420-1544 or email me at info@transgendermichigan.org.


TransGender Michigan
Enclosure: TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival Sponsorship Form

TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival

10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, August 25, 2007 ♦ 12 p.m.

Geary Park, Ferndale, Michigan

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor ♦ $1000
Full-page advertisement in the program booklet, business’s/organization’s name and logo prominently displayed in all advertisements, informational table at event

Sustainer ♦ $500
Half-page advertisement in the program booklet, business’s/organization’s name and logo displayed in all advertisements, informational table at event

Partner ♦ $250
Business’s/Organization’s name prominently displayed in the program booklet, informational table at event

Ally ♦ $150
Business’s/Organization’s name listed in the program booklet, informational table at event

Friend ♦ $50
Business’s/Organization’s/Individual’s name listed in program booklet

For additional information about TransGender Michigan’s Pride in the Park Festival, please contact TransGender Michigan at info@transgendermichigan.org or 517-420-1544.

Sponsorship Form

Business’s/Organization’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Contact Person: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: _____________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________

Sponsorship Level: _________________________

Please complete this form and return it, with sponsorship payment, to: TGMI, PO Box 721512 Berkley, MI 48072-9998

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