That is everything that happened this year. Or last year, I suppose, in the unlikely event I for some reason take an extra two hours setting this up. But that would be sort of pathetic considering the nature of the material presented here. I like to think I'm more in control than that. Grapes, it's only one day out of three hundred... three hundred... three hundred something. I'd expect you to trust me to get it right at least once the entire year (heavy sobbing).
Ehhh, I accidentally removed all the pictures here when I was meaning to replicate its layout for use on the 2008 version. In actuality I copied the new one over this one, forgetting I had chosen to edit an entry rather than add a new. I restored it from an evidently not useless backup I made prior to the finalization, but it is possible a late decision good item is missing or a less good-than-before one is present. Oh, dee.