Summary: In the aftermath, John freaks out and Sherlock is ...Sherlock. Drabble? No spoilers.
Rating: PG/PG-13 (ish?) Introspective.
Warning(s): lol hints of slash, bad writing, implied sex, unbet'd, baad writing :P
Author's Note: For
lifeasacloud. It kind of sucks, honey, but … I still hope you like it XD. (I just realised since I could pen 'Sherlocklouch' fic,
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Comments 9
I really liked how you wrote John's thoughts about everything - especially his acknowledgement of how important Sherlock is to him and his fear of things changing between them.
Sherlock's hair, oh yes<3
Sherlock ♥ so adorable and nonchalant.
Not that it matters, John thinks because, like this, he has the sheer affirmation that Sherlock will be there when he returns.
I like this feeling of quiet and stability.
I definitely think it would be great if you continued playing with this fandom.
Also, lol - I was curious who prompted this and whoa, Sabrina wrote some gorgeous Saiyuki fics. Please send my love, if you don't mind?
P.S. I'm really glad that, despite the difficult time, you're /here/, as in writing and posting things.
I love writing John's POV. I blame Martin Freeman's expressions. They make John a very vivid character.
Sherlock just is ♥
(...Oh I definitely intend to write more, definitely now with all the RL stuff going on...)
I loved this. They are both very IC (“Stop thinking, John - it doesn't suit you.” <-- So totally Sherlock!). I also love John's thinking process (contrary to what Sherlock says, I think it does suit him XD). I think that if they had a morning after it'd definitely go like this)))
Great story, sweetie! <3
I always think that John overanalyses his emotions. Unlike Sherlock. He'd just delete or deal with it.
Yeah, Sherlock just overanalyses everything (and everyone) else. XD
I really hope you write more stories for the fandom!
It's a very simple piece, so I'm glad it resonated.
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