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Comments 18

sooooo much win XDDDD scribblestorm March 20 2012, 05:40:13 UTC
Hahaha well done! Oh, Suzaku -- so much denial.

“Your disposition is most unpleasant but fine. Spread your legs.” --- pffffffffffffft that line XDDDD I love it!

(For those who have no idea what was going on, CONTEXT!: The dare to write a drabble spanning an entire sex act -- from foreplay to climax -- but writing down only the dialogue lines :D Pairing was, clearly, Schneizel and Suzaku.)



Re: sooooo much win XDDDD transient_words March 20 2012, 05:47:14 UTC



But glad youl like it <3.


scribblestorm March 20 2012, 06:43:23 UTC
((CONTEXT: "I dare you to write the following: -Sherlock. Cambridge. Cocaine. All the sexual experiences he deleted."))

The first time was at a residence party in Cambridge. He'd had a bit to drink and was brooding in the corner of the ballroom where the bar had been set up. The bartender was a senior laying out jello shots or something God-awful like that -- he didn't know, he'd been too preoccupied trying to solve a certain Chemistry problem in his mind that all he noticed of the offering was green. A woman had approached him then -- freshman, like him, he'd guessed by the way she carried herself, the accent and the way she was whining about such-and-such's remedial English course. (Would you like to save this information? Yes/No/Ask Me Later).

He'd been sitting on a bench, and she stood up then. When he asked where she was going she circled around him, tilted his head back and whispered, "To get something to drink love" and kissed him deeply, upside-down ( ... )


transient_words March 20 2012, 06:53:22 UTC
Ohhh <33

This was lovely :D

I do love how you get into Sherlock's brain (that must be such a lovely place, as his 'mind palace' shows). I love how, in the first part, he was thinking of chemistry while having a blow job XD. That is just so ... Sherlock.

And ... the second part <3. Hoot. Again, Sherlock only remembering the murder is very IC XD.

I looooooved the third part. How you worked around that 'get me some' scene and expanded it <3. I looved your John. Not giving, but still helping Sherlock.

And I just loved the last bit (of course, John wouldn't get deleted immediately).

All of this was just ♥


transient_words March 20 2012, 07:40:01 UTC
(I dare you to FANDOM-MASH: a drabble with Sherlock!Lelouc​h and Watson!Suzaku being called to investigate mysterious deaths at a certain Japanese middle school:D :D :D

Lelouch definitely had a wonderful sense of humour. When he'd proposed 'vacation' and Japan, Suzaku's mind had envisioned old shrines, a guided tour through Kyoto or going to visit Okinawa. All preferable options as because, despite having a very Japanese name, he'd never been to Japan.

In fact, if Suzaku cared to think about it (which he rarely did), he'd never travelled much around the globe, unless you counted that one school trip to Dublin, and Afghanistan (and none of the things he'd experienced there had, in the least, anything recreational about them ( ... )


oh ELJAY you silly thang scribblestorm March 20 2012, 08:00:58 UTC
Ohhh yes. I do love your Watsonzaku ♥ He's this wonderful mix of snark and exhaustion and storytelling, as much a partner as he is a scribe dragged along for the ride. I like the touch about him feeling like a stranger in this place, because you do get a hint of that from John in A Study in Pink.



Re: oh ELJAY you silly thang transient_words March 20 2012, 08:42:40 UTC
Thhank you <3. I love yours a lot, so this is a compliment :) A huge one!

I think you've just described very well what I love about John and, of course, by extension -- Watsonzaku. Oh yes, I do think John felt very out of place before meeting Sherlock. A bit lost even. Or very.



transient_words March 20 2012, 08:36:46 UTC
It's become something of a ritual.

In the afterglow of sex, Suzaku curls up next to him, face still flushed and hair sticking all over the place, and he'll start talking.

A lot.In fact, he babbles, only growing tired when exhaustion finally gets the better of him, and he dozes off, still curled up beside Schneizel ( ... )


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF scribblestorm March 20 2012, 08:47:19 UTC
omg THIS. O___O Holy cow.

I think writing this in Schneizel's POV was definitely the better choice. With Suzaku there's just always too MUCH going on at once (Lelouch, and Euphy, and his hang-ups about this 'arrangement' they have, so many little things).

Which isn't to say that Schneizel is all that put together himself. He knows this isn't going to get better any time soon, and it seems he's at the point where he's beginning to finally acknowledge that this possessiveness he feels isn't just pettiness or some silly urge to compete with Lelouch on his part. The 'point of no return' yes, but just because you see it coming doesn't mean you don't end up crossing it anyway, right?

But yea, I do like this ^____^. It showed the evolution of their relationship (which was mostly due to the breaking down of DENIAL) really well, and now they're at this point where, welp, regardless of what they do from here on someone's gonna get hurt.

........... FFFFFFF I do love these two ;_____;. And I love this drabble!


Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF transient_words March 20 2012, 09:02:00 UTC
O_O fkfjkffjfkf this commmmeeeent. I think I want to reply to it COHERENTLY but my brain is melted goo and LOL SLEEP at this point.

But yes, Suzaku's POV would have been too difficult right now (and I'd have no idea where to START.).

Schneizel definitely knows that the mess is only growing to get bigger and uglier the longer he continues doing what he does (but it's totally NOT stopping him). Of course, he can read the warning signs, but ... he just can't stop. And yes, he's definitely beginning to acknowledge why.

... Yeah. Someone will get hurt, definitely >____<. And yet, I admit I can't stop wanting to see how it will turn out.

(Becauuuse it's interesting and I love it too).

And writing this was fun. So much <3.


scribblestorm March 20 2012, 09:19:18 UTC
((Sherlock's (or Sherlocklouch's?) thoughts on John's (Watsonzaku's?) various girlfriends.))

Names are always too much trouble. He remembers them by month.

January was sweet enough. A swimmer, judging by how her skin always carried the faint scent of chlorine. Daddy's girl. Long, reddish hair -- no, more of orange. Lelouch had compared it once to the color blood takes on when it's mixed with sulphur and other toxins from a case, but Suzaku had glared at him. How odd. He thinks he was entirely accurate in his assessment.

April was less so. She had blonde hair that she liked to tie in pink ribbons, leaving them down over her shoulders to trail over her shirt -- clearly, to draw attention to her breasts. The short, tight skirts she always wore were a statement too, an attempt to guide the eyes to her legs and not to focus on her rather wide hips -- a sign of fertility in the olden days, he was assured, but not his area. All of this, he said aloud the first day they met ( ... )


transient_words March 20 2012, 09:27:34 UTC

"...and not to focus on her rather wide hips -- a sign of fertility in the olden days, he was assured, but not his area. All of this, he said aloud the first day they met." --> I WILL NOT STOP GIGGLING ABOUT THIS. SO ...CHARMING, LELOUCH :D

FFFF. I love how your Lelouch is still very much himself, while also being Sherlock (if that makes sense XD?). I just think you managed to combine their personalities well ... which is tricky because I've noticed that I tend to write Sherlouch more as 'Sherlock' than 'Lelouch'. So I was very impressed <3.

Loved the mentioned of the woman. I always think that Sherlouch's thoughts would wander back to her.

And LOL, Suzaku has an interesting variety of girlfriends. It's both funny and sad how he can't seem to manage to settle down. And yet also touching how he always finds back to Lelouch.

The ending made me laugh. <3


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