0076: Okay, so here's the deal.

Apr 27, 2010 13:58

I'm at this point where kpop fandom and I are pretty much divorced, a fact which doesn't really make me as sad as it used to. That being said, well, clearly I can understand that some people who friended me purely for fandom's sake wouldn't really see the need to keep me on their flists. That's fine. I've said before and I'll say again that I am ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

shoiryu April 27 2010, 19:09:36 UTC
I for one would like to know things. :)


transitorial April 27 2010, 19:10:35 UTC
Shoi! ♥ Yeah, you and Em were gonna end up on the filter pretty much whether you liked it or not, but that's good to know. XD


shoiryu April 27 2010, 19:20:44 UTC
LOL YAY XD I know she feels the same, so!


sapphynashi April 27 2010, 19:18:46 UTC
I want to know what's going on with you even if we've mostly jumped ship with Kpop! lol I'm surprised no one has cut me what with my on-going affair with Akame ladkjfhak. But anyway, I maintain my flist with a fairly careful eye, so if you're on it I want to stay in touch with you. ♥


meiface April 27 2010, 19:28:50 UTC
On! Which hopefully you guessed after talking last night, but I thought I'd just make extra sure you know.


solid_bean April 27 2010, 19:30:29 UTC
On board!


corellianrogue April 27 2010, 21:27:20 UTC
...Do I even need to answer this?


transitorial April 27 2010, 22:12:50 UTC
You were number one on the list of people who was going to get added whether they liked it or not, so. XD


corellianrogue April 27 2010, 22:23:11 UTC
Oh, I see how it is. ;P


ertai_lapis April 29 2010, 00:34:18 UTC
*is slightly bitter* :P


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